Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] could [verb] from the " in BNC.

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1 Schönhuber manoeuvred around the ‘ old Nazi ’ tag , while making plain that not only was he proud to have been in the Waffen SS , but that there was indeed something worthwhile that Germans could salvage from the Nazi era .
2 In the hotel it may be evident that staff could learn from the college how better to use computer-aided accountancy packages , or how to improve menu design by using desk-top publishing equipment .
3 Contrasted in this way it seems improbable that madness and creativity could spring from the same source .
4 To calculate unc Feynman tells us that we should think of all the different ways in which an old-fashioned electron with classically picturable simultaneous position and momentum could travel from the source through slit 1 and onto the specified point on the second screen .
5 Beside her Kim was struggling to hide his feelings , but Lan could tell from the paleness of his face that he was apprehensive and on edge .
6 His face seemed to show nothing except benevolent interest , but Julia could tell from the way that he was carrying his head and a certain tension in his body that they were approaching a crisis point .
7 Zenaida the sorceress jumped on her from behind , one hand at her throat , the other yanking at her hair ; she screeched , and the bird flapping over her head screeched with her , but Carmellina could tell from the look in its pale green eye that it was her true love under a spell from the wicked enchantress , and she fell to her knees and clutched the skirts of Zenaida ( what was she underneath ?
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