Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] be [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 The advance bookings diary or chart is checked for the guest 's arrival date , a note is made in the diary that mail is awaiting and on the appropriate date it is placed in the letter rack .
2 Although ‘ mixed ’ marriages between people of different races or cultures are made for a variety of reasons , conscious and unconscious , some are necessitated by the need to have constant reassurance of difference : for example , a skin of another colour .
3 Stone or marble was used for the lower parts of the walls , the upper being of sun-dried brick and timber .
4 The 30-foot long skeletons are being offered for sale to museums and wildlife centres , including some in the UK , where conservationists are calling for an embargo .
5 The first is where on the true construction of the Act it is apparent that the obligation or prohibition was imposed for the benefit or protection of a particular class of individuals , as in the case of the Factories Acts and similar legislation …
6 Table 8 , below , details the results obtained , and shows that although monographs accounted for the majority of issues , the demand for serials and newspapers was substantial , with one serial or newspaper being issued for every three monographs .
7 However , where goods are exchanged for a combination of money and other goods , the contract is one of sale of goods .
8 ‘ The figures we found are not significantly different to those anywhere else where people are looking for the problem . ’
9 A mental activity , shape or pattern is required for the outer action and behaviour to be manifest .
10 Others will invite parents to attend for interview when their son or daughter is applying for a Compact job .
11 The dock is provided with end gates which may be opened and closed for admission and egress of the vessel by a rising and falling sliding or pivotal motion in a vertical plane or swung on hinges as ordinary lock gates , suitable grooves or chambers being provided for the gates to work in a suitable means of making a water-tight closure being provided .
12 Where accommodation is provided for a child ordinarily resident in the area of another local authority , the home authority may take over responsibility for accommodating the child within three months of receiving written notification of the situation ( s20(2) ) .
13 A new stable block houses storage space and a kitchen , where food is prepared for the residents .
14 determine whether any further information or tests are required for the intervention to be effective .
15 Thus , if the grant or demise be made for a particular purpose , the grantor or lessor comes under an obligation not to use the land retained by him in such a way as to render the land granted or demised unfit or materially less fit for the particular purpose for which the grant or demise was made …
16 But introduction of the TCR- β mutation into the TCR- mutant mice abolishes virtually all DP cells and eliminates SP cells entirely ( Fig. 3 a ) , indicating that TCR -β rearrangement or expression is required for the DN to DP transition , at least in the principal differentiation pathway of αβ T cells .
17 Tower mills are similar to smock mills in shape and working machinery , but brick or stone is used for the structure instead of wood .
18 The most productive tree in a village or orchard is chosen for a party and pieces of toast are hung in the branches to attract robins which are supposed to be good spirits .
19 Where judgment is given for a sum which exceeds £200 and represents or includes damages in respect of personal injuries , or in respect of a person 's death , the court must include in that sum interest on those damages or on such part of them as the court considers appropriate , unless the court is satisfied that there are special reasons why no interest should be given ( ibid , s 69 ) .
20 It showed the leader board and then switched to the seventh where Krantz was preparing for a long approach putt down the kidney-shaped green .
21 Aerospace officials say that support is growing for a national strategic plan in which increased government spending would be matched by the industry 's own resources .
22 But first tonight , news that support is growing for the notion of having Joe Jordan as the next Scotland manager .
23 One of the soldiers wanted to know if it was true that Medoc was preparing for the birth into the world of the monster god-idol , Crom Croich , and an argument sprang up as to whether Medoc and Crom Croich were the most evil and most powerful forces ever to come out of the Dark Ireland , or whether the Erl-King had been worse .
24 Land animals need to protect themselves from drying out , so scales were exchanged for an impervious skin ( although some amphibians can control the admission of water through their skin with the aid of hormones ) .
25 Although provision is made for the acquisition of such rights under the Telecommunications Code ( Telecommunications Act 1984 , Sched 2 ) , it is unwise merely to rely on the statutory machinery .
26 Moreover he knew that Harwell were looking for the crucial neutron spectrum which , surely , would clinch everything .
27 On hearing that Mills was headed for the Middle East , Suit had suggested he should look Coleman up in Cyprus because he was doing some research there and had a lot of good contacts .
28 William Laud , who along with the king directed ecclesiastical policy throughout the 1630s , had little interest in the struggles of his beleaguered co-religionists on the continent , and was far more concerned that money be raised for the repair of St Paul 's Cathedral in London than for the relief of Calvinist refugees from the Palatinate .
29 The old Gothic was felt to be as inadequate in the 1890s as the old meeting-house had been in the 1860s so plans were made for a new building worthy of their pastor whose fame was rapidly increasing .
30 We also want to ensure that provision is made for the representation of enrolled nurses on the UKCC .
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