Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] been a " in BNC.

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1 I know nothing about Mr McLachlan he does not appear in Who 's Who : whether he hails from Scotland , Ireland , Korea or Czechoslovakia ; whether he is Catholic , Presbyterian or Buddhist ; whether he is married with children ( sorry , kids ) or celibate ; whether there have been tragedies in his life , or whether it has been an uninterrupted progression to his present exalted situation .
2 I could see she was an unfit woman , and although I was resolved not to tell anyone now of my qualifications , except that I had been an ARP worker , I did try to be as helpful to her as I could .
3 He lived in 1935 ( when I last saw him ) in the utmost simplicity , although if he had been a little more conciliatory he could always have earned enough for his comfort — and his wife 's ; but he never valued anything that money could buy as he valued the integrity of his sharp-shooting mind .
4 I was eleven years old , and I honestly believe that I was too young to cope , that my father should never have taken me to the game , that if he had been a responsible parent he would have recognized the potential for trauma that the afternoon contained .
5 She had this thing that if it had been a Nigerian boy , the mother would be here saying " I 'm sorry my son has got your daughter pregnant .
6 He was a real old country doctor , of a type that is fast dying out , and she knew that if she had been a few years younger he would have patted her on the cheek .
7 Into the Home territory beyond they had to go fairly warily , but less so than if they had been a weaker company , not because of fears that the Homes would betray them to Dunbar but in that they were always jealous of their declared rights to decide who should enter their country and what they should pay for the privilege ; but two hundred and fifty well-armed men in tight formation carried their own safe-conduct , and they rode through without challenge .
8 Peach , who often sat on the chestnut leaf table , marking it no more than if he had been a fluffy cushion or a nightdress-case cat , watched gravely from the basket in which he was wise enough to sit when at home on Sundays .
9 The decision was that it was unlawful direct discrimination because Mr James had been treated differently than if he had been a woman .
10 He moved lithely , carrying her with no more effort than if she 'd been a baby .
11 The bees just crawled over her , paying no more heed to her than if she had been a treestump .
12 Maybe people thought that since she 'd been a witch when alive , she 'd be a ghost once she was dead .
13 Maybe people thought that since she 'd been a witch when alive , she 'd be a ghost once she was dead .
14 Too often Kendall seems preoccupied with finding a place in the team for Alan Harper , and although he has been a great servant to the club over the years , Everton will only be a really good side when he is playing in the reserves , and I do not mean that as an insult to Alan .
15 ‘ I was playing better at the end and if it had been a five set match I think I could have fought back . ’
16 Before the Dewhurst Stakes , you felt sorry for his opponents and if he had been a man coming into a room for the first time , the rest of us would have looked round anxiously to see our wives ' reaction .
17 The weather became very bitter up here and because it had been a bad summer I had kept two of my cattle in the byre by the house all the time .
18 The valley ended quite suddenly in a massive amphitheatre of surrounding mountains rising to 7,000 ft , and as it had been a cold spring there was still a lot of snow .
19 It was true that Conchis was a recluse and never came to the village , but that he had been a collaborationist was a lie .
20 Wilkins also told magistrates that he had n't deliberately tipped his drink over the bar but that it had been an accident .
21 But although he 's been a key force for them , we have to remember that they have a number of good jumpers ready to come in as replacements .
22 He still jumped well , but if it had been a bit softer he would have been up there . ’
23 But if it had been an unusually intelligent bird — an escaped mynah bird , perhaps , or a parrot that had been blown several thousand miles off course by very strong winds — ; it would have thought :
24 The differences are deep and go far back into history , but while I have been a Minister dealing with the economy and the environment I have always had the greatest possible collaboration from all the parties in Northern Ireland , which have always worked cheek by jowl with one another and with me for the benefit of all the people of Northern Ireland .
25 I think it was his fourth , but as I had been a child during this proliferation of fiancées I was n't certain .
26 The ideal way , way of arranging a room as I see it would be that you could have your separate rooms but have sliding doors , after all there 's nothing new in sliding doors , er , but doors opening and closing erm are restrictive , that 's only my own personal view , my wife does n't necessarily , necessarily share that view ideally if I was planning a house , the main room the main living room would be much larger than the one we live in , it would certainly be a different shape , erm when we had our golden wedding erm our visitors were so numerous that they were standing shoulder to shoulder in these two rooms and the kitchen whereas if it had been a reasonably designed house maybe we could of spread them around a little more , but they 're minor , minor defects that are not really serious .
27 Whereas before she had been a rough-and-ready Italian peasant , flashing with high spirits , now she thought a little about how she seemed to others and tempered her boisterous good humour .
28 He knew that she and Massingham had worked together before when he had been a newly promoted divisional detective inspector and she a sergeant .
29 Upon his return to Saragossa , El Cid was treated as a hero in exactly the same way as if he had been a Moslem .
30 The Collector popped it into his mouth , let himself savour the sensation of it wriggling on his tongue for a moment , then crunched it with as much pleasure as if it had been a chocolate truffle .
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