Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] [pers pn] [vb past] [art] first " in BNC.

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1 He was educated at Marlborough College , to which he had a lifelong devotion , and at Balliol College , Oxford , where he captained both the cricket and hockey XIs and where he obtained a first class in classical honour moderations ( 1924 ) and second classes in mathematical moderations ( 1924 ) and literae humaniores ( 1926 ) .
2 He was an ecologist of international significance , widely acknowledged — indeed revered — as the pre-eminent British field botanist of his time , and his prowess was the more remarkable given that he was born , blind in one eye , into a poor Welsh family , that he left school at 14 , and that he spent the first 33 years of his working life as a North Wales quarryman .
3 ‘ No , I 'm not , and if you knew the first damn thing about Accident and Emergency you would know I was n't ! ’ she snapped .
4 ‘ There is enormous support for the scheme in the town and when they considered the first application , the only resident input came from a small group of people who opposed it , ’ he said .
5 And when he heard the first crash he determined to intervene , in some way that would not dispute the authority of the headmaster 's wife .
6 The Merkut clan was camped along the curve of a small lake , and when he saw the first yurts Burun kicked his st'lyan into a gallop , his spirit soaring with anticipation .
7 But , after a glorious day 's exploring , by the time we turned for home the weather had become very wild , and as we approached the first barrier , waves were breaking fiercely over the road .
8 And as she attended the first parade of the Princess of Wales 's Royal Regiment , she joked : ‘ It has to be said that for a 31-year-old woman to have 2,500 men under her command is quite a feat but I am sure I will rise to the occasion . ’
9 And as she attended the first parade of the Princess of Wales 's Royal Regiment , she joked : ‘ It has to be said that for a 31-year-old woman to have 2,500 men under her command is quite a feat but I am sure I will rise to the occasion . ’
10 But back Northampton went and though they held the first Nottingham surge they could not stop the second and scrum-half Hughes dived over on the left to score a try which earned a standing ovation .
11 The amazing thing about this second ‘ Carry On ’ was not so much that it succeeded at all , but that it outgrossed the first in the series .
12 But since he knew the first three elements of this expression before he observed his local price , it follows that the observation of his local price amounts to an observation of .
13 She intended to go straight to the second floor and find a policeman she could tell about the keys , but when she reached the first floor landing she veered into the newsroom instead .
14 But as she mounted the first of the steps to the front door she sensed someone close to her .
15 And of course on the morning it was difficult to tell because before he took the first test he appeared to be fine until really the , the very last minute .
16 And erm when Because we went the first day of our holidays , right away , to Deerness to my mother 's people .
17 When asked what use it was , Franklin gave the same reply as when he saw the first balloon ascent in 1783 … ’
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