Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] [pron] go [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Or if they go to the toilet and take just a little longer .
2 Or if I go to a car boot sale and I see some of that
3 Or if you went into a D I Y shop , not me because I 'm the world 's worst D I Y person .
4 You know when things got fresh she 'd perhaps have enough for all week or till you went on the Tuesday , you see , yeah .
5 But I think I 've got to get in and I 've got to think well this next six months erm I 've got ta work hard to get in regardless of whether I go voluntary or whether I go to a hospital and learn it at me own you know , expense .
6 ‘ My philosophy with Jim was that once you go onto the court , play every point deliberately .
7 Rumour had it that if you went to a Norman Mailer party , you 'd see people smoking marijuana , covertly passing around a joint behind the bushes at the bottom of the garden .
8 Do you seriously think that if you went to a school and it was like , you know , all cosy , you know , you had dealers and were n't allowed to smoke , you were n't allowed to drink and you were n't allowed to take drugs do you seriously think anyone would go there ?
9 But what you 've got to be very careful about is that if you go into a roundabout in that position and you get somebody in that position who is also going the same way and there 's a pinch point there , that 's the danger .
10 you 'd be expected to , to do a lot of work by yourself , and that 's reflecting the fact that erm you 'll probably have four or five lessons in each of your three subjects , but most people would choose three subjects for A level , and that means that er , when you 're not having lessons , you 've got a lot of time that is not accountable for , you will have been , or going to a general studies period and stuff like that , but there will be a fair number of private study periods , erm , there are some people I think who , who go overboard , and you 've got such a different approach erm from er the lower sixth , people do n't use the time that they have , erm , what I 'm really saying is that if you go into the sixth form and you spend less school time in the sixth form you do n't need to be prepared
11 Note that if you go for the unfiltered system , water changes must be regular .
12 Or the Tuareg saying that ‘ if you walk in the desert you get sand in your shoes , ’ the aquatic equivalent being that if you go on the Scottish hills you stand a fair chance of being hammered .
13 However , the other aspect is that if you go to a medical practice you may have four or five doctors to help you out .
14 But my instructions for the lads have always been that if you go to a job for a lady particularly and then a man comes along and starts to get stroppy , you 'll have to explain to the lady you may have to leave it temporarily and go back .
15 It 's very clumsy language but I think what what they 're saying is that if you go to the tribunal and you get compensation , anything they pay you now is going to have to come off that .
16 ‘ So then I had an idea that if I went to a composer who wrote very tuneful music , but asked him to work electronically rather than with instruments , I might end up with what I wanted , which was music the ear could relate to , rather than musique concrète which was the other sort of electronic music being done at the time .
17 When we started having sex I was fifteen and scared that if I went on the Pill the doctor would tell my mum .
18 Since I 've understood what management was about — I suppose that must have been back in the early 1950s — I 've had the philosophy that if I go into a job I must do it better than the bloke who 's been doing it before me .
19 First I think that if I go to the car , he 'll be waiting , so I wo n't go to the car .
20 They threaten to ‘ expose ’ a misdeed , probably a genuine mistake or perhaps complete fiction , but the salvation is that if he goes without a murmur the matter will be hushed up .
21 I thought that if it went into a joint account , I had to pay tax on half of three four four five .
22 Yes ; and that 's what it was ; a badge of manhood ; because you sensed that before you went into the mine , because you were wearing the moleskin trousers .
23 That 's the main reason for the P A G to refine the , the capital programme , to reflect that before it goes to the Policy Panel , and then to P and R and Council .
24 And I 'm sure that when we go down the road we can Although i we 're always ready to look at erm car drivers and some of the stupid things they do and some of the stupid things that they do which annoy us , at the end of the day w you 've still got to bear in mind that erm there are people in our own fraternity , as it were , that er do n't do as they should .
25 The first point in my manifesto for those with small gardens is is that when they go on a spree to a garden centre , they should quickly nip any delusions of grandeur in the bud .
26 So that when you go into the Drama Studio with a group of students … and when you do decent work with them , everybody puts himself on the line , everybody .
27 ‘ Anyway Muhammad said to this chap that when you go to the toilet you should n't wipe your bum with your right hand . ’
28 I learned that when I went to a conference at Sheffield .
29 Er I think I learnt that when I went to the meeting of the South East Croquet Federation earlier in the year .
30 I find it disappointing now that when I go to a completion meeting , I am often the only woman there .
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