Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] it be [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Or perhaps it was like one of those big animals Grimma had showed him in a book once .
2 Or possibly it was of Norman origin , for it is known from a twelfth-century description of London that bull-baiting was practised by them .
3 Whichever explanation is revealed by the major research effort that is still needed for the rest of the 1980s , the population changes discussed above have also had a major impact on rural communities , and so it is to this topic that attention is now turned .
4 It would be a tragedy for the aircraft preservation and restoration movement as a whole if it were all scrapped , and so it is with great sadness that after a great deal of thought they are agreed ( having been partners both in business and as husband and wife ) that the time has come to take life a bit easier and retire from the business .
5 ‘ Red ’ is a subjective mind experience , not an outward experience , and so it is with all sensory experience .
6 Skilled reading depends upon a flexibility in the application of component subskills , and so it is with all skills .
7 During the past week there have been several occasions where people have been meddling with candles and other things in the church , including the money boxes yet again , and so it is with some sadness that I have decided to keep the church locked during the holiday period .
8 1982 ) and so it is of great concern to primary health care teams .
9 One of the things you will notice when watching the television is that close-ups are used very effectively , and so it is of vital importance that the actor has absolute control over his/her face and expression .
10 And so it is in Christian life generally .
11 And so it was for Former Labour Leader Michael Foot and front bench spokesmen , Chris Smith and Donald Dewar as they slugged it out with John Patten and Peter Lilley .
12 We were proud to participate in the CCPR Wembley Festivals of Movement and Dance in 1955 , 1958 and 1963 , which some of you will remember , and so it was with particular pleasure we accepted the invitation to join in the celebrations to be held on 20th April at the Royal Albert Hall .
13 And so it was into all of this that Boy made his entrance .
14 That 's why it was so great working with Freddie and the band ; there was always something unusual to work guitar into , and usually it was in some weird key as well .
15 Well I think Simon for doing it is a really excellent way of doing it , it states the source of items , suggestions or quiffs , and makes a proposal erm , which we can debate agreed , and then it 's for clear instructions to what needs to be changed on the procedure .
16 Well I know that but there is English names on a lot of stuff except certain stuff and then it 's in foreign and it 's
17 All we in fact observe is that h is regularly followed by B. This consistent association leads us to connect the two in our own minds , to expect A always to be followed by B , and this we then express by saying that A is the cause of B and B the effect of A. This is all perfectly in order , and indeed it is through such links and associations that we build up an ordered and coherent conception of the world around us and make sense of our experience of it .
18 There has always been a vigorous tradition of English studies in adult education , and indeed it was through such classes that I was myself able to become a mature student in the early 1950s .
19 This was the closest he would come to that association of the best " minds " sharing certain fundamental ideals which had been a preoccupation of his since the early Twenties ; and indeed it was through such encounters that he began to formulate the ideas which he was to express in The Idea of a Christian Society and Notes Towards The Definition of Culture .
20 And indeed it was from this time that he began to suffer the kind of serious ill health which was regularly to affect him for the rest of his life .
21 He misinterpreted the Act and he failed to allow himself to have the jurisdiction to deal in a flexible manner with the children , which is the whole purpose of the Act , and consequently it is for this court to make the order that it appears Judge Galpin would have liked to have made and felt impeded from so doing .
22 The subject tends to intimidate many farmers and yet it was in some ways a natural extension of the record keeping and budgeting that already existed on most farms at present .
23 I mean this is just the areas that I 've touched on , and again it 's in many cases it 's only fringe .
24 He thought he could remember that he and Peter had fastened their rope to a spur or spike of rock and accordingly it was for such a feature that he searched .
25 This can be traced back as far at least as Lord Mansfield , who said : ‘ In all mercantile transactions the great object should be certainty and therefore it 's of more consequence that a rule should be certain , than whether the rule is established one way or the other .
26 In the time of King Edward and afterwards it was worth seven pounds , now sixteen .
27 And that was mainly for dog dirt but now it 's for other hazards int it ?
28 But now it 's like that part never happened , we 're just one big happy family .
29 So , while in 1814 the prime criticism of the idea was that it expected too much of human nature , too much of the people who were to live in the communities and of those who were to put them there , while then it was in short a social criticism , by 1832 the idea had become an economic nonsense .
30 For surely it is on those achievements we are entitled to be judged .
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