Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] in [art] first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This met with some opposition , for there were those who regarded music with suspicion because of its ‘ human ’ origins and its consequent unworthiness for the offering of pure worship , Nevertheless , hymns grew in favour in succeeding years and especially in the first part of the eighteenth century .
2 The piston itself is a rectangular hardwood board 15½ × 8 × ¾in , which moves back and forth in the first chamber , pushed ( or pulled ) by two ½in rods which extend through one end of the bellows and are joined on the outside by a handle .
3 Life on the Swindon bench has been full of heartbreak this season … so near and yet so far … it 's not so long ago that Town were winning week in week out … tomorrow they 've got Newcastle at home and back in the first division days they were no problem … 2-1 Swindon beat them last March
4 Life on the Swindon bench has been full of heartbreak this season … so near and yet so far … it 's not so long ago that Town were winning week in week out … tomorrow they 've got Newcastle at home and back in the first division days they were no problem … 2-1 Swindon beat them last March
5 Its what we used to do in the 2nd div championship year , and even in the first division the first year up .
6 And then in the first place you 're getting enough money you can you can bash it away and that 'll pay for your furniture .
7 In Stepney 40 per cent of the parishioners were Jews , and almost in the first week I was to become aware of something new , when the rector , Bertram Simpson , later Bishop of Southwark , suddenly said to me , ‘ Tomorrow is the Day of Atonement .
8 Consequently decreased mortality among all ages ( but especially in the first year of life ) , together with a long-term reduction in fertility , have combined to produce an ageing population structure .
9 I 've bought all sorts really , but normally in the first week or two of getting paid , I 'd buy a gram or whatever and make it last for four or five days , so I 'd sort of have a quarter a day out of it .
10 Whites price was obviously done whilst NOT in the first team .
11 The stiff rein indicates that the horse is not carrying or pushing as much with that inside hind leg and so it is easier for him to shy ( and so stop going forward ) , if he is not working as well in the first instance .
12 Yeah but the boss had the Belmont as well in the first place because erm
13 Prices had not climbed as fast in the first place and were less dependent on volatile international buying .
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