Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] leave [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 They 're for the child in school ; they 're for the housewife ; they 're for the businessman of the future , and an ordinary competent businessman has the capability and the possibility of actually learning how these devices work and using them , rather than just leaving it to the boffin , the scientist , the computer expert .
2 Fey was something they would tell me I had just invented , but it is something that never left me during the entire period I was an Instructor and sadly I was to learn very shortly after he left Kinloss that he did not survive very long on the squadron that he joined .
3 Indeed its formulation provided the theological undergirding for having a Council at all and not leaving everything to the pope to decide alone .
4 Other stories about Dic , Little Dick the Carpenter — how he never got to a rugby match because there were too many pubs on the way , how he was burnt all over in a pit explosion , wrapped in bandages so that only his eyes and nostrils showed through — and bathed slowly back to health by his daughters who poured olive oil over him all the time , how he took his daughter Cecilia ( Cis ) to eisteddfods because he loved to hear her sing but how she pleaded with him ‘ not to stop anywhere and not to leave her in the hall ’ .
5 In a democratic society , this means that the public needs to have a basic understanding of science , so that it can make informed decisions and not leave them in the hands of experts .
6 ‘ The onus is on line managers to develop the people who report to them and not leave it to the human resources professional , or anybody else .
7 It is good because Léon Bonn at , a loyal son of Bayonne , first collected these pictures and then left them to the town , which responded by building a small palace in which to show them .
8 On Junction Buttress , Malc Taylor put All my Pegs in one Basket and then left them in the obvious overhanging crack , which is now E7 6c .
9 Brian needed to shit so I gave him a plastic bag and then left it in the bathroom .
10 And then leave them on the rack .
11 To take an example , the observation that shareholders are on the whole behaving passively is consistent with the view that they know little about the firm and consequently leave everything to the manager .
12 High technology can also be used to provide the operator with flexibility in the allocation of functions , he can make his own decision about when to control manually and when to leave it to the mechanisms .
13 One man who took early retirement at 61 thought , at the time , that the advantage of early retirement was ‘ The fact that there are so many young people out of work and I thought I 'd done a lifetime 's work and might as well leave it for the young ones . ’
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