Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] it [be] [vb pp] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Concern was expressed whether or not it was intended that an undertaking not signed by a principal would be binding .
2 The most common disguise is that of the jongleur or menestrel ( within the fabliau tales there is barely any discernible difference in status or respectability between these two although conventionally it is supposed that the former is lower than the latter ) : a disreputable itinerant entertainer living , creditably , off his wits and his talents , but only too vulnerable , and given to wasting what he gains on the temporary pleasures of drinking and gambling in the taverns ; a social outcast but at the same time one called upon by the members of normal society , as Jouglet is , both to instruct the ignorant young man and to play for the villagers .
3 The worry is that the jury can not be made to abide by directions of this kind , and so it is alleged that , if no evidential weight attaches to the refusal to answer , it would be better to exclude it altogether than to run the risk .
4 The blood of childbirth and menstruation , which follows a passive and unstoppable cycle , can be construed ( by the powers that be ) to fall within this category , and so it is required that cultural regulation step in with restrictive legislation .
5 Many of these plateaus have anomalous crustal thicknesses of between 20 and 40 km and an upper layer 10 to 15 km thick with P-wave velocities in the range 6.0–6.3 km s-h These values are in the range of granitic rocks in the continental crust and so it is inferred that many oceanic plateaus ( such as the Seychelles Bank ) are drowned continental fragments originating from the edges of ancient land masses and destined to be swept towards a subduction zone in the future .
6 In other words , the subjective elements were read referentially and so it was implied that the logic of narrative derived from a reality outside itself .
7 And so it was envisaged that the former coaling and oiling stations of Gibraltar , Malta , Port Said , Suez , Aden , Bombay , Colombo , Penang , Singapore and Hong Kong would become air staging posts as well in the post-imperial era .
8 The committee felt that basic communication and numeracy skills were most important for this purpose , and so it was suggested that all CEE certificates should record proficiency scores in English and mathematics .
9 One or two police forces are experimenting with notebook computers , and perhaps it is intended that they will receive information from the control computer .
10 We must build and restore and this is possible even now , if only it were understood that the former dependence of museums on the resources of a criminal state was an abomination which there would be no shame in abandoning .
11 It is not possible to predict the types of security interests that will be created in the future and requiring registration of some such unforeseen interests could be unnecessarily burdensome ; even with respect to the known types of legal charge , particularly those conferring the right to possession , it would produce overkill ; and lastly it is claimed that to require the registration of all charges could dry up certain types of secured borrowing .
12 Gerstner told the IBM Corp meeting in Tampa , Florida that he does not intend to ‘ lay out a grand scheme ’ for the company : ‘ There has been a lot of speculation , ’ Reuter reports him saying , ‘ that I am going to unveil some great plan , ’ Gerstner said ; ‘ You will see actions , and our actions will speak for themselves , ’ but added that some actions will not emerge until 1994 ; he described it as not entirely accurate to describe IBM 's strategy as ‘ splitting it up into a bunch of little pieces , ’ and added that the dividend may change based on IBM 's performance and outlook ; ‘ We ca n't expect quick fixes , ’ Gerstner told more than 3,000 shareholders at the meeting , ‘ But I do dare to ask your patience , ’ he said ; his top priority is to get IBM 's layoffs completed and ‘ rightsize ’ the company — ‘ I want to get it behind us so we can say to those remaining , ‘ You are are our team , ’ ’ he said ; he acknowledged several times that IBM 's bureaucracy had hampered the company , and elsewhere it was reported that he has ordered managers to dispense with the customary slides and flip charts when they address him — ‘ IBM has changed but some would say not fast enough , ’ but ‘ We can bring IBM back , ’ Gerstner said .
13 As St Johnstone won by two goals their fans chanted ‘ Who 's the tea-leaf in the goals ’ , proof if ever it was needed that some football fans are sadists in scarves .
14 The transmission at sites outside the brain by acetylcholine or by noradrenaline was established unequivocally ( see Chapters 6 and 12 ) and later it was established that both these substances were present at many sites inside the brain and spinal cord .
15 Erm and also it was felt that the I I P was quite well structured , and that there was potentially less to learn from a service
16 If experimentally it is shown that there is no difference in the number of plural continuations which occur with two names and with two roles , then we would conclude that common description type ( rather than description content ) is a major force in controlling the likelihood of plural reference .
17 They exchanged photographs before they met , but when I first saw him he looked years older and much fatter than in his photo and now it 's emerged that he 's 48 and divorced .
18 Westcott once employed a thousand people , now there are only a hundred and fifty , and today it was announced that they too would lose their jobs unless the factory could find substantial new orders .
19 But if someone is accused of a crime and then it is proved that the accuser is lying , the accuser is immediately killed .
20 We did a lot of talking , of course , and then it was decided that we could possibly raise some money by going to the League of Friends , which we did , and they very generously provided well in fact the whole total is about five thousand pounds , of which three and a half thousands represents the computer , and we 're about to go live , as it were , in a week or two .
21 Heads take care to let those who are interviewed for new posts know what sort of school it is , what it believes in , how it relates to its community and how it is planned that it should develop and improve .
22 The Assistant Government Agent at Matara agreed that the establishment of village tribunals had led to a decrease in the number of police court cases , but asked ‘ what good end is obtained by merely removing the scene of litigation from one set of courts to another , and doubling the amount of litigation in the process , and how it is supposed that by increasing litigation twofold the peace and harmony of the district is secured , and litigation robbed of all the rancour and bad feelings it engenders in the ordinary courts ? ’
23 The mathematics for a spinning black hole are rather different from those of a stationary one , and initially it was thought that they would allow the possibility of a suitably durable craft surviving the voyage without necessarily being destroyed .
24 Many systems of payment for commodities are based on ‘ unit price ’ rather than lump sum and indeed it is argued that this is a much simpler system for the general public to understand because the rate is fixed for all eventualities and becomes well known .
25 Latin America 's nutritional levels are higher than in many other parts of the Third world , and yet it is estimated that 15 per cent of the region 's children suffer from medium to high-level malnutrition , which means , given the differences within the region , high levels in some areas ( López Cordovez 1982 ) .
26 And yet it is estimated that two-thirds of companies fail to employ their quota of registered disabled and only two government departments employ 3 per cent disabled .
27 What a beneficial change it would be if instead it was acknowledged that these issues present tragic choices between compelling arguments which are held on both sides in good faith .
28 If however it is felt that some of our members are n't being catered for at the present time please let the group organisers know so that , if possible , adjustments may be made .
29 The T m s are similar in all cases , and therefore it is concluded that the exothermicities of their formation would be similar at 0 K. The differences are assumed to lie in the fact that homopolymers behave in a manner analogous to a crystal , with a sudden transformation from a highly ordered state just below the T m to the disordered state just above the T m .
30 It is also recognised that having a single contact person within the Exchequer Division to deal with travel agents is good practice and therefore it is suggested that Carole Ann Johnston , Admin Assistant arrange all travel and overnight accommodation when required .
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