Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] in [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You may be maintaining your profits more or less in line with inflation , and hence giving a spurious impression of growth .
2 M46 and M47 are close together , more or less in line with Beta Canis Majoris and Sirius ; they are not spectacular , but are easy to locate .
3 It 'd be nice to have 5 or so in hand with Scum only 13 points ahead , we win em all and take the league from under their noses .
4 1984 ) showed that many were not aware of or not in receipt of home helps , day care , attendance allowance , or social work support .
5 You rinse the media , and add one bag per 55 gallons to your filter ( or directly in path of water flow as it says on the packet ) remembering to replace it every 3 to 6 months .
6 In any event most sellers prefer , as a commercial issue , not to discuss such questions with their buyers , and , instead to protect themselves by the use of appropriate credit vetting procedures , or else , where possible , by requiring payment upon delivery , or even in advance of delivery .
7 Sometimes it is interesting to play speculative games by projecting historical events and characters forward or backward in time in order to view them in the context of a different time or place .
8 The two control sample carers ( Mrs Mitchell 's daughter and Mrs Wilkins ' nephew ) were both still quite definite about wanting to see their relative in institutional care ; Mrs Mitchell 's daughter said that she was becoming more and more anxious about her mother being at risk at home ; and Mrs Wilkins ' nephew saying that she was more than ever in need of care , and the strain upon him of having to cope with her difficult personality was making him wish even more acutely for institutional care .
9 In Britain once employers ' federations had been established , albeit often in response to trade union expansion and activity , they then proceeded to assume the initiative by redesigning the existing system of industrial relations to their own wishes .
10 Fig. 5.2 To and fro in front of pilot .
11 Or are they biased , faulty and badly in need of revision ?
12 The RBG film ‘ The Capital Garden ’ , sponsored by the Bank of Scotland and made in the 1970's , is in an unusable format ( 16mm ) , and badly in need of replacement .
13 The old stonework was crumbling and eroded and badly in need of repair .
14 They were to be allowed to use some of the gentry 's farmland , but not necessarily in perpetuity and only in return for labour services or cash .
15 ( d ) changes in the attitudes of teachers towards the function and utilisation of the library in response to the Project , and especially in respect of curriculum development ;
16 In 1695 the licensing system was abolished , and in the following century the rule against prior restraint was given definitive shape by the venerated legal writer , Blackstone : " The liberty of the press is indeed essential to the nature of a free state ; but this consists in laying no previous restraints on publications , and not in freedom from censure for criminal matter when published .
17 The generations of Marxists who have lived through the grievous experience of Fascism and who , in another order of things , have experienced Stalinist degeneration , appraise the concept of democracy in a different way [ from Lenin ] , and not in opposition to socialism and communism , but as a road towards them and as a main component of them .
18 Toby was in fact if not in name in charge of the twenty-seven boarders at Burleigh , and he spent much of the day with nothing to do .
19 ‘ Well now , and just in time for tea , ’ he beamed as a second and third bomb fell sickeningly nearer .
20 Definitely in a humorous vein and just in time for Christmas is Banger and Pranger in Snowman 's Land by Graham Hey and Brian Robinson .
21 He is very poor , badly deformed and desperately in need of help .
22 Then back to the majlis for coffee again , and home in time for noon prayers .
23 ( In less than fifteen years after their landing , Kit and his fellow colonists would be sailing further and further in search of wood to build their settlements and fuel their fires . )
24 This was so in Bedfordshire , for example : in 1952 the District Council carried a motion deploring ‘ the withdrawal of the services of a full-time officer of the WEA from Bedfordshire when so large a proportion of branches in the area are so recently formed and still in need of assistance and encouragement that only a full-time organiser or tutor-organiser can give ’ .
25 GIST teachers were slightly less traditional and more in favour of equality of the sexes than other teachers .
26 Never an assiduous Bible reader , though while mother was alive she used to read a few verses for her sake , she now began to turn to it more and more in search of enlightenment but her head swam when she tried to read .
27 ‘ Architects are more and more in need of reassurance where product liability is concerned , and a new BS 402 is a major step forward in this respect , ’ he says .
28 The Group is therefore committed to ensuring a high standard of environmental management both within the factories and also in relation to operation and existence within the local and wider community .
29 I was also admitting that ‘ I ’ was not a separate entity from my body , that we were both one , and both in need of nutrition .
30 Thus County Armagh Free Presbyterians , looking back on the explosives cases and the charges laid against Free Presbyterians , recollected that far from supposing these people might be guilty and hence in need of church discipline , they assumed their innocence and believed that the charges were just another part of the plot to discredit Paisleyism .
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