Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] be [vb pp] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We hope each hydra might escape detection during the period while it grows to maturity — or only be detected by riff-raff , whom no-one in power will heed .
2 This provides a long and very enjoyable drink that can accompany a meal , or just be drunk for pleasure socially .
3 In many societies occupational status has been or still is transmitted from father to son and from mother to daughter .
4 The character must make a Cl test or else be forced by nausea to strip off his armour and clothes , unable to put them on again until they have been thoroughly cleaned and washed .
5 5.15 Re-letting boards To permit the Landlord at any time during the last [ 6 ] months of the Contractual Term and at any time thereafter [ unless the Tenant shall have made a valid court application under Section 24 of the 1954 Act or otherwise be entitled in law to remain in occupation or to a new tenancy of the Premises ] [ ( or sooner if the rents or any part of them shall be in arrear and unpaid for longer than [ 28 ] days ) ] to enter upon the Premises and affix and retain anywhere upon the Premises a notice for re-letting the Premises and during such period to permit persons with the written authority of the Landlord or [ its ] agent at reasonable times of the day to view the Premises It is not unreasonable for the landlord to be entitled to erect a re-letting board at the premises within a reasonable period prior to the termination of the term unless the tenant proposes to apply for a new tenancy of the premises , provided that the board is in a position so as not to interfere with the tenant 's or any undertenant 's business being carried on at the premises .
6 The clause could be amended as follows : To permit the Landlord at any time during the last [ 6 ] months of the Contractual Term and at any time thereafter unless the Tenant shall have made a valid court application under Section 24 of the 1954 Act or otherwise be entitled in law to remain in occupation or to a new tenancy of the Premises to enter upon the Premises and affix and retain upon the Premises in a position so as not to interfere with the Tenant 's or any undertenant 's business being carried on at the Premises a notice for re-letting the Premises and during such period to permit persons with the written authority of the Landlord or its agent at reasonable times of the day on reasonable notice to view the Premises
7 Only one Japanese factory ship remains in operation , and one Japanese whaling company is left , accounting for only a fraction of the income that once was earned from whale products .
8 If you are a student , you will more than likely be spoilt for choice in the social life that revolves around your educational establishment .
9 In early computers , in particular those of the first generation , little distinction was made between architecture and implementation ; the architecture was whatever could reliably and economically be implemented in hardware .
10 Catalonia was cut off from the rest of the Republic by then and slowly being strangled to death .
11 My heart froze for a second , as if I had put on an elaborate disguise and suddenly been addressed by name — I did n't feel safe any more .
12 Some of these regulations may not promote efficiency but be justified on paternalistic grounds : workers are held not to be the best judges of their own interests and so are prevented by law from taking risks they would voluntarily undertake for money .
13 Avoid slip-ons , as the toes need to grip hard to keep them on and so are put under strain .
14 For molecules XAY , like OCS or CINO , the two stretching modes are of the same symmetry , and so are numbered in order of decreasing frequency .
15 Light from the two pupils follows different paths through the oval lens , and so are brought into focus on their separate retinas .
16 This enabled car 11 to be extracted for a farewell tour in January 1963 , but it never went back , and so was preserved for posterity .
17 He would probably also marry the knight 's daughter and so be knighted in turn .
18 The orbitals in these compounds can be considered to lie predominantly on the metal ( or metals in a polynuclear species ) or on the ligands , or to be involved in metal-ligand interactions and so be shared between metal and ligand .
19 An outside problem can sometimes be helped by , say , more flexible working hours and so be resolved at management level .
20 In concrete terms , Miliband has argued that in a capitalist society , the interests of private capital will invariably and necessarily be taken into account in the development of public policy and so we should not expect to see business leaders standing on a soap box anymore than we should expect to see those who enjoy the ear of government organising on the streets .
21 If the elements placed in theme position in the source text can easily and naturally be placed in theme position in the target text , the method of development of the two texts will be the same or very similar .
22 Now doctors say parents must be on the look out for the symptoms and not be misled by flu .
23 Now doctors say parents must be on the look out for the symptoms and not be misled by flu .
24 Councils will be allowed to appoint non-voting advisers to committees who must have relevant expertise or experience and not be disqualified from council membership — except in the case of teachers on education or library committees .
25 In addition to the rhetoric of law and order , they want action in terms of policing which will enable people to leave their homes in the evening and not be curtailed by fear of violent crime .
26 And he established the principle that any decision which drew on the contingency reserve of public money should go to full Cabinet and not be taken in Cabinet committee , where the Chancellor and the Chief Secretary could all too easily fall prey to ambushes set by cabals of spending ministers .
27 Investors will usually agree to a provision of this kind , as most purchasers would in any event wish to purchase the entire company and not be left with minority shareholders .
28 Setting forth the goal of " establishing a new and equitable global partnership " , it affirmed that in order to achieve sustainable development , environmental protection should constitute an integral part of the development process , and not be considered in isolation from it .
29 It set out the goal of " establishing a new and equitable global partnership " , and said that environmental protection should constitute an integral part of the development process , and not be considered in isolation from it .
30 Fox admitted driving with excess alcohol on his breath — he was 19 microgrammes over the limit — driving while disqualified and not being covered by insurance last November .
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