Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [v-ing] [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Eventually , however , those commanders still loyal tot he Shah ( or still hoping to resist the imposition of Islamic government ) produced a series of plans for a military take-over .
2 Like most things in gliding this takes practice and experience if you are going to avoid losing a thousand feet or more trying to take the picture of your turning point .
3 Or even getting to see the T-shirts .
4 Before splashing out on a travel cot , ask yourself the following questions to make sure you buy one that really going to do the job you want it to :
5 The connections between sign , signal , and signature ; or bomb and bombardier ; or , at a subtler level , inhibition and exhibition — these can all demonstrate that there are other ways of recalling spellings than simply trying to memorise the letters in a word .
6 On the timing of the sale he said : ‘ We are not actively seeking buyers nor actively looking to sell the shares . ’
7 They may grieve or worry for a while , but will work towards improving their situation , first by acceptance , and eventually coming to view the set-back as an impetus for change and growth .
8 The useful , though subordinate , role which litigation might be expected to play in this mobilisation process extends to publicising areas of law such as tax diversion which stand in need of reform , and so helping to politicise the issues and raise the general level of political awareness on the part of peace protesters and the general public alike .
9 Go on , 'oppit ! ’ the old gent croaked , aiming at Broomhead with his stick and only managing to hit the side of the cart .
10 ‘ It 's only really the chap on the ground who gets to know what 's going on , gets chatting — and not just chatting with the management of the firm — chatting with the chap that runs the pretreatment plant , y'know , having a cup of tea with him and generally getting to know the individuals and the characters .
11 Now it seems to me with erm with great respect from the view of the taxing officer , that er it 's quite clear that er both parties were holding han were holding their hands in relation to a question of taxation because negotiations were going on between the parties and indeed the defendants were being requested er not to proceed with taxation but to see if they could obtain an overall assessment and the point was met to the defendants barrister , telling quite frankly there would n't be much advantage in the defendants pushing on with erm taxation because they 'd only , they would have to look to his interest in the property to get payment , it seems to me in those circumstances that it can not be said that erm the plaintiffs were in any way acting improperly and not seeking to have the costs taxed during the period while the negotiations were being carried on er because effectively and
12 Or that girl with the Esquimau nose ? ) and not daring to spend the time she used to in study lest she be dangerously good , she now had hours and hours in which to brood and her old pains came back to life .
13 Martin said it was in the National Car Park across the road , about twenty yards from the front door of the pub and Dod said ‘ Oh , yeah ’ and reluctantly gave up his place in the darts game , slipping at least three five-pound notes and some coins into his pocket and not bothering to thank the guys he 'd played .
14 Terrified that it would try to escape or fly away , and not wanting to risk the Corporal 's anger , I pinned it to the ground by leaning a large stone against it .
15 They may be dazed and talk as if delirious , incoherent , stupid , forgetful ; worse ( < ) for mental exertions and is averse to speaking or even having company present ; too tired to communicate and not wanting to make the effort .
16 Such support operations would involve the Bank of England buying gilt-edged and thus tending to expand the liquidity and lending potential of the banking system .
17 The policy document suggested here could also be of use in this regard , by facilitating local discussion and thus helping to keep the development effort in line with the wishes and aspirations of the people .
18 A little further down the line , we are introduced to hard disc recording , intent on replacing tape for good and just beginning to enter the field of the home user in terms of price .
19 Yesterday Norman Lamont changed his policy three times in ten hours , putting up interest rates , putting them up again , changing his mind , perhaps , about the second increase and finally deciding to leave the ERM , effectively paving the way for devaluing the pound .
20 Lucky Jim as an over-night visitor drunkenly burning his host 's sheets with his cigarette-ends , and desperately trying to disguise the damage with a pair of scissors , is farcical in a Wodehouse sort of way , though the social rank of the characters is down more than a notch or two .
21 Why did you lend him all that money ? ’ she demanded fiercely , as if somehow trying to put the blame on to him .
22 In his own life it had always been he who was the supplicant , telephoning Diana from call boxes on his rounds in the hope of closing some nagging gap of intimacy left at breakfast , and always having to hide the agony of dread that her casualness could cause him for fear of the danger of irritating her .
23 ‘ Fucking brain-ectomy coming up , Doctor fucking Halziel , ’ he said , still crying and still trying to get the magazine to fit into the gun .
24 Returning to London eventually , and still attempting to arrange the peace for which they were empowered , they stayed on for a second year , accumulating benefices and sustained by clerical procurations meanwhile .
25 It 's a question of trying to package the book properly , making sure the public know that it 's out , and also trying to widen the readership each time , find new outlets for the book .
26 ’ But the 100 workers at Middlesbrough will be engaged in the scheme , and also helping to develop the company as a major presence in the offshore sector , ’ said Mr Tompkins .
27 Merely taking part in a procession or assembly and knowingly failing to observe the conditions , and knowingly taking part in a banned procession are all punishable with level three fine only .
28 The Orcs rampage through the mountains for years , causing considerable destruction and even threatening to capture the capital .
29 The new clause seeks to give the Committee reasonable duties , and surely seeking to monitor the effects of the legislation is a necessary and useful function for such a committee .
30 More complicated patterns for the arm involve holding it straight and turned outwards at certain angles , where the physiotherapist has placed the arm , and then learning to move the arm between two positions .
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