Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [v-ing] [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It pains me that the public hold chemical company executives in no higher esteem than estate agents , lawyers or even sitting members of Parliament ’ .
2 Lastly , the GCSE requires pupils to wait for the length of a two-year course before they can know whether they have been successful , whereas a record of achievement is only the most recent and perhaps summarizing statement of progress which the pupils themselves have monitored and recorded .
3 Where one particular elite ( or elite coalition ) has a stranglehold on political power , it is common to find increased governmental inertia , conservative leadership , networks of nepotism and patronage , and generally rising levels of corruption , as some observers suggested was true ofthe French Fifth Republic between 1958 and 1981 , and may still be true of contemporary Italy .
4 Many critics of the encouragement provided until recently by the UK 's investment grants system in LFAs argue that farmers have been converting increasing areas of moorland and roughland to grass leys ( attracting substantial grants and more HLCAs ) while neglecting pastures previously improved and not maintaining standards of husbandry and land management .
5 Mention has been made to the paperwork , I think that it 's worth reminding ourselves that a lot of the paperwork that has been generated , is a direct result of Conservative government introduced legislation , particularly cri criminal justice er , legislation , which requires a considerable amount of paperwork , erm , to be completed by officers , quite often in long , in longhand , and not making use of technology , where in fact they er , a great deal of time and effort could be con , er could be er , saved .
6 The Islamic Interim Afghan Government ( IIAG ) , elected from the seven Pakistan-based mujaheddin groups in February 1989 [ see p. 36449 ] , was marred by disunity and came under heavy criticism from both Afghan opposition groups and the United States government as being unrepresentative , excluding as it did representatives of the eight factions based among 2,000,000 , mainly Shia , refugees in Iran , and largely lacking representation of field commanders based inside Afghanistan .
7 Since it is the poet himself who is the subject , the poem comes across as a very genuine and deeply moving piece of work which regards the real feelings and fears of one who is in the process of losing his own life , rather than , as convention would have it , those of one who has lost another .
8 Just a willingness to be available for a few hours to suit you — within an agreed rota — to walk around the reserve helping people enjoy their visit and also avoiding problems of pressure on sensitive reserve areas . ’
9 He was met on the platform in the early hours of the morning by Minton and Henrietta , both looking very ill and both clutching bottles of whisky .
10 This helps to ensure the smooth working of the machinery by settling issues informally and clearly establishing areas of agreement and disagreement .
11 Waiters scurry to and from their cafes and tavernas , weighed down by great trays of food and drink , tripping over cats and noisily claiming right of way over passing cars .
12 Its members maintain that Mexico 's current-account deficit — $12.5 billion in 1992 and now approaching 7% of GDP — is unsustainable .
13 The rain started , a few heavy drops at first and then hissing spears of water that struck her sharply on the head , on her neck , pricking through the thin stuff of her dress .
14 At the same time towns were growing , and steadily becoming centres of commerce and industry .
15 This area is the Coulin Forest , bounded by roads that give it detachment from other high ground , its mountains forming a compact group but individually having distinction of character and outline , some being of arresting appearance .
16 How many Welsh coaches , for example , see their role as not only achieving success for their clubs but also furnishing players of quality for the new multiplicity of Welsh squads ?
17 Ordained in 1879 in Ripon Cathedral , he served his curacy at St Katherine 's Parish Church , Northampton , before later becoming Vicar of Swadlincote in Derbyshire .
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