Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [vb base] at [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If they stop and pause they may well urinate or even defecate at that spot , which is likely to be not only illegal , but also .
2 Perhaps it is the distinctiveness of this particular anatomical colour that makes us forget the pure white quartzites that also occur at this level , even in our own Midlands ( as the Stiperstones Quartzite of west Shropshire ) .
3 The two of them walk together and gently paw at each other rather sweetly .
4 And just look at those flowers — it feels as if the winter 's really over at last . ’
5 Cook potatoes in already-boiling liquids ; never keep cooked potatoes long and always fry at correct temperatures .
6 ‘ The purchaser hereby covenants with the vendor by way of indemnity only that the purchaser and the persons deriving title under him will henceforth and at all times duly pay all rents becoming due under the lease and observe and perform all covenants agreements and conditions therein contained on the part of the tenant or persons deriving title under it to be observed and performed and also will at all times keep the vendor its successors in title and assigns effectively indemnified against all proceedings costs claims expenses and liabilities in respect thereof .
7 This will assess the war efforts of each country under four headings , ( diplomacy , strategy , economy , and home front ) and also look at six areas of collaboration ( ranging from cultural relations to the legacies of the alliance , including the origins of the cold war ) .
8 The slot for the fielded panel at the bottom of the curved members , needed a template which rested on the wood at each end of the slot to which I glued and screwed a 50 x 50 batten , the slot being routered to the correct depth in the middle and slightly oversize at each end .
9 She and her husband are members of the Hottentots Holland , RAFA and now live at 23 Columbine Street , Nerina , Durbanville 7550 , Cape Province .
10 The books have been translated into 13 languages and now stand at 18 titles plus various spin-offs .
11 All we can say is that ceteris paribus we should expect consequences of these kinds and then look at specific developments which would seem to illustrate the possibilities .
12 CUCGA intends within five years to have ( i ) established relations with the media , Government Departments , Members of both Houses of Parliament and other bodies with an interest in higher education ; ( ii ) established itself as a campaigning body on behalf of graduate organisations ; ( iii ) opened its membership to encompass all university convocations and analogous bodies in the UK ; ( iv ) established methods of funding to allow it to support its expanded role ; ( v ) developed a comprehensive portfolio of policy issues upon which it can actively and publicly campaign at appropriate times .
13 The wintering population has increased considerably in recent years , but little change at other seasons is apparent .
14 The winter population has declined in recent years , but little change at other seasons is apparent .
15 But just look at that suite of furniture .
16 But just look at that view — and feel the loving warmth all around !
17 But now look at corporate advertising .
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