Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [vb base] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Local farmers preferred black or dark brindled animals in both breeds and some said that the Galloway had originally been a horned black animal with touches of white , or perhaps brindle with a white dorsal stripe and occasionally belted .
2 More generally one can say that for attitudinism ethical statements invite the hearer ( or perhaps the speaker when in discourse with himself ) to express his agreement or disagreement in attitude , or perhaps join in a shared attempt to arrive at some stable and better based attitude , towards what is in question , and that this is quite a different matter from any discussion concerning the psychological state , of approving or disapproving , on either the speaker 's or hearer 's part .
3 A weekly maintenance routine simply involves a visual check of external cables for wear or mechanical damage which can occur if they are stretched or frequently move across a hard surface .
4 Then either leave to rehydrate , then eat or alternatively cook for a few minutes before eating .
5 But the treatment has to be repeated because the Americans transplanted the gene into cells that only live for a few months .
6 In everyday life there are countless occasions on which people are confronted with the need to make a decision which , in its resolution , should be motivated by a healthy conscience and thereby result in a kindly , productive or generous act .
7 You can leave your pension in the fund , as described above , and additionally contribute to a personal pension , providing your contributions do not exceed the allowed Inland Revenue limit , i.e. two-thirds of final salary ( or whatever is allowed according to the rules of the scheme ) .
8 Commanders were selected at top level of course , after which they were invited to attend at HQ where they would sift through the applications from prospective crew members , discuss them with the administrating Inspector and eventually come to a mutual agreement on the crewing of each cutter for the following year .
9 Issues which were to influence subsequent events and eventually lead to a national curriculum are specified : first , that the curriculum is overcrowded and the timetable overloaded ; secondly , that pupils who move from one school to another are penalized because of curricular variations between schools ; thirdly , that curricular arrangements within each school tend to give rise to unequal curricular opportunities for pupils ; fourthly , that the school curriculum is not sufficiently relevant for life in a modern industrial society ; and fifthly , that there are evident weaknesses in existing assessment procedures and methods of recording pupil progress .
10 Resentful at Alexander and fearful that the King might beget am heir by his new queen and so lose for a second time the opportunity to advance the claims of his own house ?
11 The subsequent discovery of the endorphins and encephalins , hormones in the brain that act like morphine and so act as a natural analgesic , and their implication in the action of acupuncture , provided further theoretical explanation for its efficacy .
12 A cutting is simply a length of stem top growth — with some plants it is a soft-tissue tip , with others a more mature hard-wood section — which , when inserted into soil or a suitable growing medium , and sometimes helped and encouraged by the presence of artificial hormones , will fight for life by producing roots , and so grow into a new individual plant .
13 Then redaction criticism is of limited value , but its methods can help to bring out the special interests of the editor and so lead to a fuller appreciation of the theology expressed in his work .
14 The harshness of those living-conditions , with the special emphasis on working-class housewives having to feed , clothe and generally look after a large family , was reflected by the lower standards of living , the deprivations all around , widespread poverty , with few families ever having experienced the beneficial effects of a holiday in the country or at the sea-side .
15 He should believe in her character , and not object to a past action she could not avoid .
16 The local labour movement was split between those who wanted to intervene politically to support members of the skilled manual working class and those who wanted to act on financial grounds and not intervene in a declining enterprise .
17 The whole point is that if the intrepid aviator got shot down while blasting Gerry out of the skies above enemy territory , he could simply unzip his boot-legs and have a pair of civilian-looking shoes on his feet , and thus pass for a native and so escape those dreadful SS men in their tight little black uniforms .
18 This will shift the L curve to the right in diagram ( a ) , and thus lead to a smaller fall in the rate of interest than that illustrated .
19 In contrast , the qualities to look for are rather more difficult to define , and largely consist of a general character and appearance that springs from the individual interpretation of traditional tribal designs .
20 Because they they 've condensed it and just put in a few little bits and pieces !
21 Those with oily or normal complexions may need to change the kind of face creams used and those whose skins have always been dry will need to take even more care and possibly change to a heavier cream .
22 Avoid being boxed into a corner , and always fight with a strong sun behind you .
23 But try and always end on a positive note .
24 If it 's possible , make-up by natural light and always start with a clean canvas !
25 Is it possible to disconnect each thing from itself and still arrive at a recognisable record ?
26 The Types of Space section is particularly informative and should stimulate communities to identify the green areas in their neighbourhoods and hopefully lead to a greater appreciation of them .
27 But broadcasting costs are more volatile than other costs and also rise at a faster rate so that even a licence fee increase which keeps up with general costs is an actual real decrease in its total value .
28 Another name can be crossed firmly off the IBM Corp list : John Sculley , chairman of Apple Computer Inc has now gone on the record saying ‘ I would like to respond to the persistent rumours that I might leave Apple and go to IBM — I have told Apple 's board of directors and our executive management team that I am not available or interested in being chief executive of IBM ; I believe Apple has a tremendous opportunity to be extremely successful in the years ahead , and Apple will be the most important innovator and leader in the industry ; 10 years ago this April I signed up to do a job , and there is still a lot that I would like to accomplish with all of us ; ‘ I hope this statement will put to rest the speculation that I might go to IBM , and also serve as a clear message of the confidence that I have in Apple , ’ he declared .
29 Another name can be crossed firmly off the IBM Corp list : John Sculley , chairman of Apple Computer Inc has now gone on the record saying ‘ I would like to respond to the persistent rumours that I might leave Apple and go to IBM — I have told Apple 's board of directors and our executive management team that I am not available or interested in being chief executive of IBM ; I believe Apple has a tremendous opportunity to be extremely successful in the years ahead , and Apple will be the most important innovator and leader in the industry ; 10 years ago this April I signed up to do a job , and there is still a lot that I would like to accomplish with all of us ; I hope this statement will put to rest the speculation that I might go to IBM , and also serve as a clear message of the confidence that I have in Apple , ’ he declared .
30 I 'd give Rocky a chance on the right or if not move Kelly forward with Bardsley in behind ( kind of like the way Jack Charlton plays Terry Phelan behind Steve Staunton ) and probably go for a new left winger to help Dorigo ( sorry Mrs. Dorigo Anthony ) .
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