Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [vb pp] to [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Should insurance cover be overall , or just limited to high risk sensitive areas like the City ?
2 Locke , although not opposed to corporal punishment as a final sanction , nor indeed for very young children of an age too tender to be reasoned with , in order to instil the necessary fear and awe that a child should have for an adult , strongly disapproved of beating once formal education had begun , just as he was equally opposed to bribing the child to work through material rewards .
3 St Mary 's , although nearly repaired to satisfactory condition , still needs a new use .
4 By Article V of the Convention , the sultan promised to negotiate with the Serbs on their demands for freedom of worship ; the right to establish their own schools and printing presses ; the return of areas won during the first revolt and forcibly returned to Turkish rule in 1813 ; the right of Serbian merchants to trade freely throughout the Ottoman empire ; a prohibition on any new Turkish settlement outside the major towns ; and an increase in the powers of Serbian government .
5 My uncle was already old , and not given to rash spending , indeed he carried his carefulness too far , and was something of a miser .
6 Bettinson is a man of considerable dignity , diplomatic and not given to emotional language .
7 Bettinson is a man of considerable dignity , diplomatic and not given to emotional language .
8 In Western market economies the law has underpinned the market and thus contributed to economic development .
9 The paper , he said , moved the argument against mining on environmental grounds one step further by suggesting that the world could not afford the ecological price of meeting its present demand for mineral resources , and by arguing that the mining industry was a profligate user of energy and thus contributed to global warming .
10 They categorised all applicants , genuine or otherwise , who were unable or unwilling to specify their long term intentions , as necessarily falling outside the ambit of the rules and thus doomed to inevitable failure when applying for entry clearance .
11 • The message is brief — Shelleyan Orphan are alive and well and still signed to Rough Trade , who , in mid-October , will be releasing an album that answers to the name of ‘ Humroot ’ .
12 Consumption ( C ) and savings ( S ) are both directly and linearly related to disposable income ( Y d ) .
13 The growing importance of lager , which offers similar advantages to the nationals as bottled beer and keg beers in the past ( i.e. a standardized product offering considerable manufacturing economies of scale and well suited to national advertising and distribution ) .
14 That it was erected , operated for a short while and then reverted to ignominious dereliction are all true .
15 The Newbury Railway was originally laid to Brunel 's broad gauge and then relaid to standard gauge and is now being revived with a track gauge of two foot .
16 Secondly , existing paper documents could be scanned into a computer and then converted to electronic form to allow further processing .
17 Secondly , existing paper documents could be scanned into a computer and then converted to electronic form to allow further processing .
18 Secondly , existing paper documents could be scanned into a computer and then converted to electronic form to allow further processing .
19 He retired from public life for a few years and then returned to full prominence .
20 Uses a ‘ sponge and dough ’ process ; part of the dough is left for 24 hours and then added to new dough .
21 Sumner was educated at Eton and Christ Church , Oxford , where he read classics and then changed to modern history , being awarded second-class honours in 1874 .
22 We were thrilled in June to have the first live sea-lion pup born and subsequently raised to young adulthood .
23 The poor woman had a nervous breakdown , and never returned to good health .
24 Now based in Madrid and happily married to Spanish film producer Carlos Pliego , Sade 's planning a 1993 world tour .
25 ‘ If a cause were to be rendered of natural appearances in special as what are the motions and influences of the heavenly bodies and of their parts , the reason hereof must either be drawn from the parts of the sciences above mentioned , or no reason at all will be given , but all left to uncertain conjecture . ’
26 The concept of public interest , so essential to the concept of charity , is an inherently vague and subjective concept , not suitable for statute but better left to judicial discretion within the normal judicial constraints .
27 Returning to Acland 's presidential address of 1909 , it is notable that he resumed exactly these themes , but now applied to English Literature .
28 BRECHIN Round tower of Irish type from eleventh or twelfth century , originally free-standing but now linked to restored cathedral by an aisle .
29 Its sedative effects were valued , but sometimes progressed to pathological depression with suicidal tendencies , so its use was limited .
30 The factor which accounts for the bulk of the variance in responses ( 27 per cent ) is composed of attitudes towards the process of SSE , with its product , the bringing about of changes in schools , being only weakly correlated , suggesting that teachers simply do not see evaluation as necessarily linked to subsequent action .
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