Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [vb pp] as a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was they who would decide whether such rites should be prohibited as too economically wasteful , or else encouraged as a possible attraction to the future tourist industry .
2 In any case , I believe Eliot admired the thrillers of the prolific E. Phillips Oppenheim , who was published in the yellow-backed series to which he more than once referred as a possible source of inspiration .
3 Although still classified as a rare breed , the British White has increased considerably in numbers in recent years and has also been exported : it seems to thrive in hot climates and has a good degree of heat tolerance , helped by its pigmented skin and reflecting white coat .
4 And up for sale , the mental hospital that once described as a human zoo .
5 Yet although often seen as a tough guy , Bob Hoskins has tried to avoid typecasting .
6 Yet although often seen as a tough guy , Bob Hoskins has tried to avoid typecasting .
7 As the plains became higher and colder , so another memorable Andean beast appeared — the guanaco , country cousin to the llama , brother to the vicuña and the alpaca , and properly regarded as a small and humpless camel .
8 Until the 1840s the supply of coal from the area to London was tightly and effectively controlled as a virtual monopoly .
9 Moreover , the pre-arranged trade is reported and perhaps published as a competitively-determined transaction , when it is not in fact a genuine product of the competitive forces of supply and demand on the exchange .
10 Its use in self-defence is entirely secondary and only employed as a last resort .
11 Their consistent support for the new Israeli state reflected the existence of an American Jewish community — wealthy , strong in voting power , and highly organized as a political pressure group .
12 ‘ This is not simply a matter which can be looked at and comfortably quantified as a constant problem .
13 Nitrous oxide , commonly known as laughing gas and once used as a dental anaesthetic , is a natural product of biological processes in soils and water but is also emitted to the atmosphere by fossil-fuel burning , soil disturbance , the application of nitrogen based fertilizers , biomass burning and animal and human wastes .
14 We see also how forgery was long resisted , then finally and fatally adopted as a last resort .
15 What seems to have happened is that the distinction , drawn perhaps from one of the few classical instances ( of Ulpian or Papinian ) , was seized on by epi-classical law and later adopted as a post-classical touchstone .
16 One explanation of how random entoptic discharges and after-images are constructed into fully developed perceptions — the Perceptual Release Theory — was first proposed by the neurologist John Hughlings Jackson and later developed as a general theory to account for hallucinations and dreams .
17 The octamer sequence was first recognized in the histone H2B gene and in the heavy and kappa light chain immunoglobulin genes and later identified as a regulatory sequence motif for many other cellular and viral genes ( reviewed in [ 1 ] ) .
18 Even though homosexuality as such remains muted , subsumed into an ‘ other bisexuality ’ , it is here nevertheless explicitly and exceptionally identified as a creative otherness :
19 The 10,000-square foot building is part of a new complex designed by Chicago architect Helmut Jahn , and originally intended as a retail space .
20 A FLEETING snapshot , this , of the Douglas Hurd you never see , the minister tormented by doubt , safely if thinly disguised as a fictitious character , in one of the novelist British foreign secretary 's self-revealing stories about a defence secretary forced to justify the sending of British boys to die in a Balkanesque quagmire called ‘ Caucasia ’ .
21 Davis from Richmond road in Oxford knocked her unconscious , threw her cycle into the river and then posed as a good Samaritan , pretending to comfort her , before attacking her again and trying to strangle her .
22 But when this and fines imposed on others as well as those firms involved in the Folding-Carton industry conspiracy are calculated against the gross revenues and then standardized as a fine imposed on a person earning $15,000 annually , it is clear that they are relatively minuscule .
23 It is the Sodom of our century , destroyed for her sins and then left as a stern reminder .
24 It can be manipulated in the imagination and then used as a new model with which to compare other structures .
25 TERRY HARRISON started his painting his painting career at Farnham Art School in 1968 , and subsequently worked as a graphic designer , illustrator and aviation artist .
26 In this form it is brush applied to cold surfaces and therefore marketed as a cold oven cleaner .
27 The pragmatist might acknowledge this point but would offer the further thought that , under normal circumstances , it is unlikely that a flea 's stray garment could be mistaken for anything else , and that the flea. its garments and any other intimately associated paraphernalia would be more sensibly and helpfully handled as a single record .
28 He was replaced by Clement Attlee , the party 's first public-school educated middle-class leader who was widely but wrongly regarded as a temporary appointment .
29 In April and May of this year , the Junior Minister of Health , in April Tom announced from the shared platform with David , the Tory MP for Havant , but better known as a leading member of the Tory think tank , that regulations had been lifted to allow private capital to have free access to the N H S.
30 While not intended as a dogmatic definition , it was in fact little less .
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