Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [vb pp] at [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Or does it mean that you have somehow glimpsed the anguish in me , or even guessed at the cause ?
2 Unlike the past participle and the -ing form , however , the infinitive does not evoke its event as partially or completely realized at the point in time where it is referred to its support , and so the incidence of the event to the support can itself be seen as a mere possibility .
3 At meetings of Bank Assistants throughout the country , in the past weeks , I have not met anyone who was other than bitterly disillusioned at the outcome of our visit to the Labour Court .
4 First , they cleared away the living grasses that valiantly pushed at the surface and then the dried stuff from the previous year .
5 Although not discussed at the Forum meeting , and since the local authority directors are nominated on an agreed two year cycle , it is assumed that there is no opposition to Councillors , and being appointed to complete their second year .
6 Anyone can see that artificial keyboard or lexigram languages can be imparted , if at all , in only the most impoverished social situations — quite unlike the nexus of warm and intimate physical bonds that probably prevailed at the dawn of language millennia ago .
7 My daughter , although clearly distressed at the tragedy , preferred to stay at home with the children .
8 Hardly surprising , since one of the main components of that radicalism was opposition to the Vietnam war , and although nominally defeated at the party conference in 1967 , Wilson 's basically pro-US stand defined the party 's position in the eyes of many young radicals .
9 The eggs were clear and had a diameter of between 0.6 and 0.9mm and mostly floated at the water surface .
10 The Commander-in-Chief in Scotland was Lieutenant-General Sir John Cope , later the subject of a derisory song ‘ Hey , Johnny Cope ’ , and unkindly described at the time as ‘ a little , dressy , finical [ i.e. fussy ] man ’ .
11 This early ‘ satiating effect ’ was dose dependent and most marked at a dose of 40 µg per animal ; about equimolar to procolipase secretion during maximal stimulation with secretin and cholecystokinin ( CCK ) .
12 ( Oct 24-Nov 22 ) With the Sun and Mars blocked away in the most sensitive and private area of your solar chart , you , in turn , are bound to be feeling restricted and rather frustrated at the moment .
13 On two occasions he joined large dinner parties designed to raise money for particular charities and I witnessed him reduced to slumping over the table on folded arms , where he remained comatose until gently removed at the end of the meal .
14 The existing standard number , determined under section 15 of the Education Act 1980 and generally set at the intake of pupils to the school in 1979–80 ( a peak year ) , will be the new standard number — unless in 1989–90 , the year before the law changed , admissions exceeded the 1980 Act standard number .
15 The Russian Embassy tells me that this is the first time their head of state has visited London and not stayed at the embassy .
16 The paper path is easily accessible , as it 's just below the top lid of the printer , and not buried at the bottom of the machine .
17 Not surprisingly , as successful communication involves the transfer of information , and that transfer presupposes a successful evaluation of what is known and not known at the outset , a number of general suggestions have been made by theorists and methodologists advocating a communicative approach .
18 He explained that what makes the document confidential is the fact that the creator of the document has used his brain and thus arrived at a result which can only be produced by somebody who goes through the same process .
19 ( d ) Agreed price As mentioned previously , it is essential to ensure that this is properly and finally negotiated at the commencement of the transaction .
20 Thus the notice must be reasonably large and prominently displayed at a spot visible to the buyer when the contract is made .
21 ( Apr 21-May 21 ) In astrology , work and health are curiously linked are curiously linked — and for one reason or another , you are likely to feel under par , under pressure and totally misunderstood at the moment .
22 David Stubbs 's metaphor for the Butthole sound pleases me immensely , for he has unwittingly and uncannily arrived at the image that haunts Bataille 's writing .
23 The paragraph idea(s) : Most historians put just one main idea in each paragraph , often expressed in one sentence and usually placed at the beginning of the paragraph .
24 Nevertheless the official statistics show that , in the 1980s , lone parents have come to be more and more concentrated at the bottom of the income distribution ( House of Commons Social Security Committee , 1991 ) .
25 The soldiers had four camels , but were hopelessly incompetent at loading them and I had got more and more exasperated at the delay .
26 The standards for the NVQs were circulated widely throughout the industry for consultation and discussion during the development phase , and later presented at a number of national CIOB seminars .
27 Tracings of fabrics and grains can be quickly and accurately made at a range of magnifications .
28 Corbett turned and angrily waved at the porter to stay where he was .
29 Ipswich were lightweight up front , lacking dominance in midfield and often stretched at the back — which was the recipe for a shock defeat .
30 A big crowd of press and public gathered at the top of Lyonette Road .
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