Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [vb pp] to a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The patron of the third kind , offering social reputation and protection , often worked within conditions where the work was being partly or wholly offered to a paying public ; the Elizabethan public theatres were in that sense fully commercial institutions .
2 Now he 's going through those same school gates that once opened to a 19 year old RAF aircraft engineer .
3 French biologists ignored Darwin and only turned to a Lamarckian version of evolutionism in the 1880s .
4 The design and development of many of these products was undertaken by large groups of workers and not limited to a small technocratic elite .
5 Examples in Northern Tyneside include ship-building and -repair as part of the maritime industrial structure , and those local plants which are independent and not tied to a particular customer .
6 However , talk within the argument and not addressed to a specified individual may be in Creole or in British English , with a single turn often containing elements of both .
7 If you are married and not entitled to a basic pension on your own contributions , you can still claim the graduated pension , even if your husband has not yet retired .
8 Today there are eleven bedrooms , all with private bathrooms and colour TV , and individually furnished to a high standard ; one has a four-poster bed .
9 Thus power comes with political longevity , and once appointed to a coveted committee , a Senator or Representative will be loathe to accept , let alone seek , reallocation to another with the more junior status that will ensue , unless the move is clearly likely to be politically beneficial in the medium-if not the short-term .
10 As it was rumoured amongst the Girls that horsemeat was served , she was unadventurous and always stuck to a monotonous diet of egg and chips .
11 Algae are present in the upper layers ; productivity is low even in summer , and probably restricted to a shallow near-surface layer beneath the ice .
12 Among other Pterygota , apterous forms are of more casual occurrence , and often confined to a single sex or species .
13 Few things are more infuriating for a woman who is denied comfort for her own tears than to see her partner being sympathetically and sensually attracted to a strange woman who is grieving .
14 Or modules may be read individually and automatiaclly updated to a new version .
15 Derive expressions for the torque needed to hold 0 constant under the following conditions : ( i ) when the plates are connected to a source of constant voltage V ; ( ii ) after the plates have been rotated to their position of maximum capacitance , charged to voltage V , disconnected from the supply and then rotated to a new position .
16 Simon had failed his eleven plus , and then gone to a Catholic school .
17 Chapter Ten commenced with a brief examination of the economic determinants of consumer demand , and then turned to a detailed analysis of the following behavioural determinants of consumer demand , namely : * individual motivation ; * individual personality ; * culture ; * life-style .
18 They were held first in police cells in Katmandu for 3 weeks and then transferred to a permanent prison .
19 Beyond that , the official Libyan theory rested mainly on the proposition that the suitcase containing the bomb had been sent unaccompanied on an Air Malta flight to Frankfurt , where , undetected by Pan Am 's inadequate security arrangements , it was loaded on to a feeder flight to London and then transferred to a third aircraft for the New York leg of the journey .
20 She backed in a gentle arc to face the open sea , and as Neil gunned the engine she jumped forward and then settled to a smooth , fast pace .
21 She was also gagged and then subjected to a horrifying rape and torture ordeal in front of her children , he said .
22 Although firm on the link with Britain and steadfastly opposed to a united Ireland , and although not immune to the pressures of extreme Protestant organizations , Andrews was never a strident unionist .
23 Initiated in 1989 and subsequently entrusted to a royal commission for drafting [ see pp. 37053 ; 37392 ] , the national charter also reaffirmed Islamic law or sharia as the basic source of legislation and Arab Islamic civilization as the foundation of national identity .
24 ‘ I sometimes have a queer feeling with regard to you — especially when you are near me , as now : it is as if I had a string somewhere under my left ribs , tightly and inextricably knotted to a similar string situated in the corresponding quarter of your little frame .
25 I am part Welsh and part Scot , and I had understood that the argument was that Wales and Scotland are nations and therefore entitled to a different national system .
26 Probably the most important assertion of monetarists is that the velocity of circulation of money , although not constant , is predictable , independent of the money supply and stably related to a limited number of variables .
27 From his study of several village communities in Wiltshire , for example , Ingram has found that the great majority of villagers did not belong to polarized extremes , but rather adhered to a conventional mainstream Protestantism ; furthermore , Ingram believes it was the youth of the parish , rather than the least well-off , who were the most indifferent to religion and most impervious to moral discipline .
28 Because of the changed security situation and that type of er conflict not being envisaged in the same way now , what we felt was important was to be able to operate er apart from main operating bases , but also from sort of general purpose erm strips , flying clubs and those type of smaller airfields and therefore rather than looking at the damaged runway situation , we looked at the smaller strips and took a length that we could sensibly operate from erm and took that as the yardstick but clearly notwithstanding that , there is the prospect of damaged runways and therefore the slight relaxation would also apply to damaged runways but perhaps damaged to a lesser extent .
29 He was not only able to make most of his subjects feel proud of being Italians but also succeeded to a great extent in making them believe that his great dream of giving Italy an important place in the world , as important as that of Britain and France , could become a reality .
30 However , no crampon will perform properly unless correctly fitted to a suitable pair of boots .
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