Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [vb pp] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Suspicion and hostility towards the law in working-class London at the turn of the century drew on much deeper funds of popular feeling than can be usefully or relevantly summed up as the work of ‘ Hooligan ’ gangs or ‘ Hooliganism ’ .
2 They have n't been as much part of my life as I would like , because for the last year or so it has been more or less taken up by the future of the channel .
3 It is very much a system 's search mechanism as opposed to a search strategy initiated or purposefully carried out by the user .
4 Diving below the dusky water 's surface I see twenty chairs or so strewn about on the pool floor .
5 ( 3 ) In this Act references to the rules of a self-regulating organisation are references to the rules ( whether or not laid down by the organisation itself ) which the organisation has power to enforce in relation to the carrying on of the business in question or which relate to the admission and expulsion of members of the organisation or otherwise to its constitution .
6 205. ( 1 ) ( ix ) Land includes … land of any tenure , and mines and minerals , whether or not held apart from the surface , buildings or parts of buildings ( whether the division is horizontal , vertical or made in any other way ) and other corporeal hereditaments ; also a manor , an advowson , and a rent and other incorporeal hereditament , and an easement , right , privilege , or benefit in , over , or derived from land ; but not an undivided share in land ; and " mines and minerals " include any strata or seam of minerals or substances in or under any land , and powers of working and getting the same but not an undivided share thereof ; and " manor " includes a lordship , and reputed manor or lordship ; and " hereditament " means any real property which on an intestacy occurring before the commencement of this Act might have devolved upon an heir …
7 The Union 's decisions on defence could " be wholly or partially carried out through the WEU " but this could be reviewed in 1996 in a general revision of the treaty .
8 Present them with a vision of a world in which meals were eaten at a table instead of on the knees before the flickering screen ; in which conversation was commonplace ; political and social ideas worked out by individuals , not spoon-fed into the mind by paid commentators ; a TV-less world in which we danced and sang and played charades to entertain ourselves or even popped round to the neighbours ; in which our children were not fed visions of death and dead bodies on the daily news , their infant imaginations no longer turned feverish and fearful by the sobs and sorrows of the bereaved ; nor subject to the cruel , disagreeable and frequently morbid fictional fantasies of others — would we not really vote for this ?
9 Alluvial gold , which most commonly occurs as dust or fine flakes , the residue left behind when lighter materials have been removed by the flow of natural waters , can be won by simple sluicing or washing , or even picked up on the surface in the form of nuggets shaped by the compression of fine particles into compact masses by natural forces .
10 But those on the list who actually applied , as opposed to expressing vague interest , had no way of knowing whether their completed application forms had been weeded out or simply thrown on to the paper mountain along with everyone else .
11 or ( e ) The way in which goods are packed or otherwise got up for the purpose of being supplied .
12 Yet , referring to section 6(c) of the Act , the Court of Appeal held that , although not bound directly by the injunctions , the newspapers could be in contempt if , in publishing material derived from Peter Wright 's manuscript , they intended to interfere with the administration of justice .
13 Yet , a number of democratic constitutions today contain more than a mere organisation chart of functions and powers ; they contain Bills of Rights , which may also include a charter of social and economic rights , something characteristic of constitutions of the twentieth century , although generally honoured more in the breach than in the observance .
14 However , before racing ceases to be a single-parent sport , the Jockey Club deserves full credit for not only having forged ahead with the Sunday fixtures but also firing the well-aimed salvos that finally got through to the Government the iniquities of the level of VAT being charged on the breeding , rearing and racing of bloodstock in this country compared with France and Ireland .
15 Unsurprisingly , it was a subject that frequently cropped up at the dinner table , especially when visitors were present and Sir Gregory was able to pick their brains on the latest news from Rome , Paris or Madrid .
16 Today , although virtually cut off from the outside world and still subject to army harassment , the community remains determined to stay put .
17 On Aug. 8 the British hostage John McCarthy was released in Beirut ; he was swiftly transported to the Syrian capital , Damascus , and thence flown back to the United Kingdom .
18 Red Lion Square , covering about half an acre at the most , and mostly taken up by the Great North Road , represents just the shrunken remains of a market place that once covered about five times that area .
19 Therefore in the USA the methods of collective bargaining associated with the heyday of competitive capitalism were outmoded and eventually destroyed along with the breaking by employers of union control of the labour process .
20 Other research suggested they might become concentrated , churned around in the waves and eventually deposited back along the beaches and banks of local estuaries .
21 This extraordinary story was ruthlessly edited down to its allotted span and eventually tucked away in the last of four hour-long programmes .
22 Erm the remaining seventy two percent are entirely separate from this and obviously that 's a a very important point to bear in mind when you consider the level of allocation that 's been made first of all , and secondly the likelihood that if that is successful , first of all if it 's approved , if it 's recommended by the panel and eventually taken on by the county , and secondly if happens , then it is likely that it will result in skewing of the workforce even more towards the manufacturing sector of the economy and would in our view be contrary to the aim of diversification of the economic base .
23 The system is thoroughly tested and eventually handed over to the user .
24 ‘ He put me on the spot and eventually pulled out of the deal as much as I did .
25 The companies found this a major block to their activities and eventually pulled out from the area : ‘ The companies never officially admitted that they were leaving , just sort of let their prospecting licences lapse … the reason they departed was because they could n't see any way that they could effectively operate with such total opposition .
26 Cross-examined by John Griffith Williams QC , about why he did not stop for the children , he said that he was concerned not to hit them and instinctively moved away into the fast lane .
27 ( b ) Procedure It is of vital importance that the procedures to be adopted in the case of an expulsion are clearly and effectively laid down in the partnership agreement and that they are observed to the letter .
28 This in effect meant that PFF actually did 45 sorties , but please to remember that few Pathfinder aircrew elected to opt out at the 45 mark and most carried on to the magic 60 , And further take note that over 100 PFF aircrew managed the ton ( 100 sorties ) .
29 Affluent if not always prudent strokeplayer , Greenfield was the first YTS graduate to sign for Sussex , and duly led then to the 2nd XI pennant in 1990 .
30 Weber looked thoughtfully out at , the battle-torn cavern , and slowly reached out to the ship 's telegraph , ringing up the order to start engines .
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