Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [vb -s] to a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 John Dearlove in his critique of the reorganisation of British local government reviews a literature that consistently points to a decline in the standards of councillors .
2 Since Mr Haynes owns 62% of the group 's equity and gladly confesses to a liking for general publishing , it seems likely that his views on keeping the division will prevail .
3 History , far from constituting a privileged form of ( historical ) knowledge , is simply the myth of modern man , and merely amounts to a method of analysis .
4 The animal immediately loses its coordination and soon comes to a standstill .
5 seven two er refers to planning environment er and not to and also refers to a type of actually .
6 A fragment of yet another poem alludes to the bringing of Eadwine 's severed head to Aberffraw ( principal residence of the kings of Gwynedd on Môn ( Anglesey ) ) and clearly refers to a moment after the battle of Hatfield Chase .
7 IBM Corp 's IBM Personal Computer Co has added two members in the IBM Speech Recognition Family , VoiceType Control for Windows and VoiceType 2 : VoiceType Control for Windows offers customers with an 80386SX processor and up the ability to manipulate the Windows 3.1 environment and existing Windows 3.1 applications with spoken commands such as File Save , Font Bold and Next Window ; VoiceType Control for Windows costs $130 , works with Sound Blaster audio boards , and is speaker-independent ; VoiceType 2 is designed for general dictation and input to MS-DOS applications , and enables users to continue to control their existing applications , such as word processing , databases or spreadsheet , simply by talking ; it comes ready to use with ‘ many popular software products such as Quicken , WordPerfect 5.1 , dBase and more ’ , and users can add their own commands ; VoiceType 2 , with the IBM M-Audio Capture and Playback Adaptor , runs on 80386SX and above personal computers and automatically adapts to a speaker 's unique voice pattern and allows for accents and other individual speech characteristics ; it costs $2,200 and will be available in late May .
8 These are excellent , but their exclusive use robs the subject of a personal and local dimension and inevitably leads to a measure of stereotyping .
9 This requires the development of a product control team and inevitably leads to a mound of paperwork and forms .
10 The issue of communication as a human right is also related to development and inevitably leads to a process of conscientisation and media education .
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