Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [vb -s] [art] same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A further question is whether or not a less costly form of regulation could be devised that still allows the same degree of competition in the markets with the same level of investor protection .
2 go beyond the association between the epidermal growth factor ( EGF ) receptor , Grb2 and Sos , and show that , in Src-transformed cells , the Shc adaptor protein replaces the EGF receptor as the phosphotyrosine target and presumably achieves the same end point ( activation of Ras ) .
3 The new amendment relates to the bill 's effect on the legislation covering elections to the European Parliament and technically has the same effect as the Labour amendment 27 , which the Government belatedly said would not prevent ratification .
4 While in practice the IRR is a commonly used method and usually gives the same answer as the NPV method , it can be criticized on both practical and theoretical grounds .
5 ‘ In the summer he comes nearly every day and always does the same thing . ’
6 He grabs the top edge with his hands , thumps the face of the buttress several times with his feet and then does the same thing on the other side of the buttress with his hands before springing down to the ground .
7 Easier to back out of , and sometimes produces the same result .
8 The Parable of the Lost Son is much more involved but still follows the same principle that the son who was lost is found again .
9 Here , in the work of Picasso , the device of fusing or merging the subject with its surroundings allows the painter to insist on the surface unity of the picture but also has the same effect of allowing the spectator to reconstruct form beyond the boundaries stated .
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