Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [noun] to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Integrated circuits are available in which everything except the switching control transistor , smoothing capacitors and the necessary inductances are built in , and a supply can be fabricated by a dozen or so connections to the chip .
2 I practically fell through the door to the balcony , shut it after me , turned left , scrambled the twenty or so feet to the door in the south-west corner and plunged through , closing this too .
3 In skirmishes on the rugged Norwegian mountains made dangerous by an early thaw , these companies screened the Allied operations a hundred or so miles to the north around Narvik .
4 Thus a company directly created by special Act of Parliament will be restricted to acts necessary or reasonably incident to the objects specified in the Act .
5 But a corporation created by or in pursuance of an Act of Parliament is subject to the rule that it has only such powers as are expressly conferred , or are necessarily or reasonably incident to the fulfilment of the purposes for which it is established .
6 Several NATO representatives suggested that " NATO could lend material support or even troops to the CSCE if needed and if agreed by our member countries " , in the words of the Dutch Foreign Minister , Hans van den Broek .
7 Thus , to give one case example in ten thousand that spring to mind , no psychiatrist in his right mind would pay credence or even attention to the findings , as uncovered by Hans Eysenck some years ago , that patients undergoing psychoanalysis have an improvement rate of 44 per cent , those subject to the effects of other psychotherapy recover at the rate of 64 per cent , and those to whom nothing whatever is done , who receive no treatment at all , are cured at a rate of 72 per cent .
8 Unless the wind is more than about 45° to the direction of take-off , a strong cross wind seldom creates problems .
9 Many farms had more family workers than could be fully employed , and so migration to the cities could occur without loss of food output .
10 Palmerston , with the longest speech of the debate , started by saying that Members would not be committed by the present vote to any style , as nothing would be decided until next session , and attacked Manners for approving ‘ the erection of so frightful a building ’ , involving expenses and perhaps disappointment to the architect without consulting the House .
11 These include traditional accountability to parliament or elected councillors , the courts and regulatory watchdogs to ensure standards of probity , impartiality and due process ; managerial accountability within the departmental hierarchy for results achieved , including economy and efficiency ; professional or peer group accountability for ethics and standards , and finally accountability to the service user and the local community .
12 For example , the hospital treatments that GPs can purchase were limited to standard relatively inexpensive procedures which the GP could easily diagnose and cost ; the costs a practice would bear for any one patient were limited to a maximum of £5,000 ( after this the DHA picks up the bill ) , and finally entry to the scheme was limited to large , well-managed practices .
13 The antiseptic , do-gooding pub of the 1930s fell completely out of fashion in the post-war period , partly because of customers ' understandable preference for cosiness , and partly thanks to the campaign in favour of Victorian pub decoration conducted by the Architectural Review from the wartime period onwards , and exemplified in the glorious in-house pub ‘ The Bride of Denmark ’ in the AR 's offices in Queen Anne 's Gate .
14 His son of the first marriage , Thomas Bowen Kitchin , apprenticed to his father in 1754 and also hydrographer to the king , had already inherited the stock-in-trade .
15 I 'd also like to thank Colonel , Colonel for coming today from er Mildenhall in Lakenheath and also thanks to the Reverend for being here as well .
16 Any precise quantification in the present muddled state of our economy is an obvious chimera and even approximation to the truth is so occluded by political utterance as itself to become unattainable .
17 According to the Serious Fraud Office , he was knowingly and dishonestly party to the pledging of common stock in publishers Berlitz International Inc , as security for loans to third parties .
18 Some 30pc of them have switched to Labour and around 8pc to the Tories .
19 He also knew that his wife , after being secretary to a bishop and then secretary to the professor of divinity , and his hostess for eight years , was better equipped to be the wife of the new Bishop of Durham than any other woman in the country .
20 South from Arreau the main road runs along the wide valley of the Neste d'Aure to the resort town of Saint-Lary-Soulan , and then curves to the south-east as the valley narrows and the mountains get higher .
21 Skip shows us in the book how his aspirations for the boat decrease and how newcomers to the boat had to get used to the crew 's relaxed attitude .
22 What remains a problem is to explain why exposure to the context alone given after exposure to the stimulus can be quite without influence on the magnitude of latent inhibition ( Hall and Minor 1984 ) and why pre-exposure to the context should actually enhance the magnitude of the effect ( Hall and Channell 1985c ) .
23 Such a defamation might cause injury to the business goodwill of the corporation , and ultimately loss to the company 's shareholders through a diminution in turnover and/or profits .
24 Being a Special is unpaid and therefore commitment to the job is all important .
25 The lessee was protected , not by a real action , but by a personal action against his lessor , in which he could recover , not the land itself , but only damages to the breach of his landlord 's contract to allow him the use of the land .
26 In these circumstances the courts will find that the plaintiff was guilty of contributory negligence but not volens to the risk ( Owens v Brimmell [ 1977 ] QB 859 ) .
27 Interestingly , Egypt described the Memorandum as changing the United States ' role from one of ‘ partner ’ ( but not party to the Peace Treaty ) to one of ‘ arbiter ’ which it considered inappropriate .
28 A church setting would undoubtedly have been more atmospheric than the shocking pink of the BBC Concert Hall , but then listeners to the broadcast will only need to worry about aural aesthetics .
29 But the older MPs from these areas saw these efforts as merely concessions to the Nationalists .
30 The bid also includes a leisure park and 140 homes at Queen 's Park , as well improvements to the Portrack and Tilery areas .
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