Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [verb] [conj] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It said ‘ Many of the smaller hard drives available , especially old ones , use Stepper Motor actuators and it is these that really require that a low level format be carried out on them at least once a year , as after a long period of heating and cooling it is more than possible that the heads are out of alignment with the tracks .
2 The ease with which patients are managed in these settings contrasts with the chaos that commonly ensues when a single anorexia nervosa patient is treated on a general psychiatric or medical ward , where she is either afforded special status or rejected because her illness is seen as self-inflicted .
3 There is a between L 1 and L 3 units of labour total product is rising but at a decreasing rate that therefore implies that a marginal product of labour between those two imput levels is positive but but falling notice that total product curve peaks at L 3 right , so it 's maximum at L 3 units of labour of that curve at that particular point zero , therefore , the marginal product labour is zero .
4 In favour of decentralization , they appeal to the doctrine of subsidiarity , and additionally argue that a supranational authority is likely to be unduly prone to capture by interest groups .
5 Please confirm the position , and if not endorsed that a suitable memorandum will be endorsed on or before completion .
6 This reflected in part a widespread criticism of psychiatry as paternalistic and socially controlling and a growing interest in the civil tights of under-privileged groups .
7 Anyway , the clergyman who came to look after those who were C of E got to know about Grandma 's skill as a sewer and also knew that a little bit of extra money would be welcome in her household .
8 It contains information about official and personal engagements and also reports when a Royal has asked minders to stay discreetly in the background .
9 The PSU advocated the creation of a stronger , directly elected presidency , and also anticipated that a general election would lead to an improvement in the party 's position in parliament .
10 He went on to deliver a strong warning about the dangers which the " ever strengthening isolationist mood in Russia " posed for the integrity of the Soviet Union , and also stressed that a new Russian CP should aim to " consolidate " the CPSU .
11 She was raped and then killed and a few days later her naked corpse found somewhere in the hills .
12 Labour recovered its confidence here and firmly promised that a future Labour government would return both electricity and water to public ownership and control .
13 Studies undertaken to observe browsing in the shelf consultation show that the user handles a limited number of items in the process and ultimately selects but a few .
14 This serves to support some of the statements made in Section 12.5 and again emphasizes that a good index is one which permits effective retrieval .
15 At a news conference on Aug. 17 , Gorbachev criticized the economic policies of the Russian leadership and again urged that a new type of union be negotiated by the former Soviet republics .
16 The experience left her physically and emotionally drained and a few months later she returned to hospital for a hysterectomy .
17 The Christmas goose was well and truly cooked and a good time was had by all .
18 Apparently it is not intended to decide that a bowler with a long run pays more than a dashing opening batsman , but rather to ensure that a highly-paid Test cricketer does not necessarily pay the same amount as a young uncapped player .
19 I have tried most of them , apart from the downright ridiculous ones , mainly from curiosity , but still find that a simple clip-on bobbin , or a good butt indicator , is best .
20 She would be able to look at them , and not only observe that the noble d'Urberville family had lost its greatness , but also remember that a poor descendant had lost her innocence .
21 Recent surveys show a significant improvement in the opinion the French have of nuclear power , but also show that a small minority remains stubbornly opposed to it .
22 Unlike the /Ε/; lowering rule , the velar-raising rule is not confined to short-vowel environments ( that is , before the voiceless velar stop ) , but also applies when a voiced velar follows ( that is , in long-vowel environments ) : thus bag , bang are realized with [ Ε : ] .
23 A proper account of referential communication must grapple with the intrinsically reciprocal nature of conversation , not merely to satisfy the objections of sociolinguists but also to discover if a deeper analysis of discourse clarifies the procedures by which children use and make sense of verbal information .
24 The emotional preparatory work , talking through some of these feelings , can take some time to achieve and is as well started before a formal request for admission is completed .
25 They could represent a group of pre-echinoderm deuterostomes , as neither stereom nor a true water-vascular system appears to be present .
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