Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [verb] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 There is also much unnecessary hardship and fear and pain caused by man to animals in the way we breed them , market them , or eventually kill them in an abattoir .
2 One more story about O : he told me ( it was as if he was trying to explain the oddity of his lovemaking to me , as if he was trying to account for or apologise for the way he 'd treated me , or perhaps to reassure me concerning the effect he 'd had on me , I do n't know ) , in the morning he told me that there was one man , this had been just a couple of years previously , there was one man who had summoned him to his bedside to be counted amongst a farewell gathering of lovers , dear friends and great passions .
3 Inland , you can get close to the countryside with a few days on a farm or perhaps pamper yourself with a luxury hotel .
4 Those who do not voluntarily or semi-voluntarily place themselves under the authority of relatively just governments are under a partial and qualified obligation to recognize the authority of such a government in their country .
5 You have to get him wound down a bit , you have to do it , you know of a about half an hour or so ask him for the proper name !
6 This last objection can be put in a form applicable to many of the theories discussed in this book : that it may be a mistake to try to define the essential features of literature in absolute and objective terms ; that such definitions as one may devise are likely to be relevant only to certain kinds or certain features of literature , or merely constitute one among a number of possible ways of approaching the subject .
7 Whether the farm worker preferred to defer to the authority of his ‘ betters ’ , or fight against it , or merely accept it as a fact of life and accommodate to it as best he could , he recognized that there was a clear , qualitative difference between this relationship and that with his fellow workers .
8 They were in a similar position to the person coming along on a standby basis for an airline seat as against the passenger paying a full fare , and without the full rights of a standby passenger , in the sense that the decision whether or not to accommodate them in the college was entirely discretionary .
9 He was a great man and I never ceased to admire him , either discussing critically the quality of a poem or composition , analysing the contents or production of a programme , dealing with the political aspects of CBC policy from Head Office or just enjoying himself in a piano duet with Arthur Benjamin .
10 Do you use them as a raft , or just throw them to the sharks and sort of watch them sink ?
11 Or just throw it at the neighbours , thought Henry grimly , as he tipped the edenwort in next to the water-chestnuts and the giant yam .
12 Keegan 's not wrong to sell because you either do one of two things with this type of striker , build a side around him or just sit him on the bench for use in emergencies .
13 Now you 're gon na want a pin , these are rather small pins , I recommend that peop people who have got large hands try and fit their first aid kit out with large pins , they 're much easier to handle , but firstly they do not put pins in their mouths for obvious reasons , either , either have it on the table open ready or just pop it in the front of shirt while you do this bit , okay ?
14 or still do them in the evening ?
15 It must have seemed to them that Marian and Allen had perished in the flames and their own immediate concern was to remove themselves from the danger of the roof falling in on their heads and from the certain consequence that so conspicuous a fire in the night would be seen by the outlaws and would sooner or later bring them to the scene .
16 This behavioural plasticity and mental agility , optimized as always in the young , began sooner or later to express itself in a new mode of subsistence , namely , hunting .
17 The English clerk would work doubly hard , either to resolve the problem or carefully to hide it behind a tissue of half-truths .
18 ‘ Rickie Crowninshield , ’ I said stiffly , ‘ has already lost the sight of one eye because of cocaine , and if he does n't stop using the drug then he will almost certainly go to jail or even kill himself with an overdose . ’
19 I do n't see how that you can possible reduce the number of deaths within the county , or even maintain it at the same level .
20 Here , as elsewhere , there are difficult questions to be answered : whether membership of a society should involve a positive duty to take care of one 's body for the general social good , either to avoid becoming a burden on other members of the community or even to preserve oneself as a positive contributor to that community .
21 Thus it has been suggested that a key difference between invertebrate and vertebrate brains is that in the former a great deal of power and responsibility could be invested in a single cell or even synapse which in the vertebrate nervous system would be more widely distributed .
22 These arguments had not at first cut much ice with social democrats , but two further ideological strands came to prominence in this period which helped to put the advocates of social progress through public spending and ‘ welfarism ’ onto the defensive , or even convince them of the folly of their ways : the monetary theory of inflation , and the ‘ too few producers ’ thesis of Bacon and Eltis ( 1976 ) .
23 Even so , giving bright light at a time which should not affect the body clock or even adjust it in the wrong direction could be tested — as has already been described .
24 Eventually , the bloody turf wars ceased , and for a long time the authorities either winked at their illegal trade or even helped themselves to the till .
25 They are quite capable of grabbing a solitary puffin in mid-air with their beaks or even beating it to the ground with blows of their wings .
26 This does not mean that the applicant can not let the house , but if she sells it , or simply uses it as a second home , she may have to pay back the whole or part of the grant with interest .
27 They 'd give you low-paying-jobs , reduce your salary or simply dismiss you with no reasons given .
28 Swan 's ‘ guest ’ ( ie , unpaid ) lecturers are academics singing for their supper and for the chance to revisit sites and monuments , or sometimes visit them for the first time .
29 ‘ If we knew where one of these things was going to be flown into space , ’ he said , speaking quickly before the words had time to escape , ‘ and we could sort of hang on to the sides or whatever , or maybe drive it like the Truck , and we took you with us , then we could jump off when we got up there and go and find this ship of ours , could n't we ? ’
30 Or maybe use me as the basis for tissue culture , body-bank , whatever . ’
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