Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [adv] [subord] [pron] know " in BNC.

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1 She knew that as surely as she knew she would never get to the rave in Woodham Woods .
2 And now that he 'd escaped from that awful prison , come he would , she knew that as certainly as she knew daylight would follow darkness .
3 Er that as far as we know is the referee 's confirmed that it was offside and actually if you look at that it was offside .
4 Bell Labs notes that fault tolerance is common in hardware and in operating systems , but generally too costly for many software systems , and says that as far as it knows , these are the first general-purpose software modules , and they set a trend toward low-cost fault-tolerance in user-level software .
5 In a level voice he said , ‘ You gave me to understand that as far as you know there was no woman at the time but your mother .
6 I would like to record that they tried to cheer each other up in their double misery , but I 'm afraid the truth is that as far as I know they never spoke to each other again .
7 Hannibal was also the object of some sort of pseudohistorical tale of which a papyrus has preserved a piece that as far as I know has never been connected with the oracle transmitted by Antisthenes .
8 And that as far as I know is that .
9 He just sat there jiggling his bloody spectacles and saying that as far as he knew it was n't . ’
10 Mala blinked , and grew paler , but quickly assured him that as far as she knew it was just a coincidence .
11 She was referred to in the temple archives at Knossos , although as far as we know her nearest sanctuary was the Cave of Eileithyia at Amnisos ( Figure 16 ) .
12 At the end of the last war he found himself some French creature and went to live with her , and so far as we know , he 's still in France . ’
13 middle-age crisis and so on and so forth although you know given a certain number of intelligent people they could no doubt build an enormous
14 It was not long — and far quicker than he knew — before she became aware of his scrutiny and soon after sensed the unusual and possibly intimidating intensity of it .
15 And as far as we know there 's no been no account been taken that er the subsequent development that is likely to take place on any of these roads , which is clearly implied in some of that statements , of the consequent traffic that that would generate in itself .
16 And we were we covered sixteen different MPs which is especially good news because Hugh Bailey normally supports the bill and as far as we know is likely to turn up and and vote for it .
17 The ward had been full , the nurses worked off their feet , but their care for me — and as far as I knew for the others — had been magnificent .
18 The Carolans were subject to much exposure in the Press , and as far as I knew there had never been any newspaper gossip which even hinted at any sort of rift between them .
19 I prescribed Nit Ac LM2 and as far as I know she remains well .
20 And as far as I know he always .
21 And as far as I know that that was the erm most erm sort of financially effective
22 I love Cindy and as far as I know , she loves me .
23 And as far as I know , Hamadan has never been heard of again from that day to this .
24 And the , the price was thirty nine pounds and as far as I know at the time the , the pianos went down that terrace I do n't think anybody could play it properly .
25 ‘ Nothing is wrong , and as far as I know Berenice is still in one piece .
26 And as far as I know that 's the only coverage I 've seen personally of it .
27 about , no , no it 's only about a fortnight ago , I was on site doing a job and I come out and as far as you know what you call courtesy dial in a card , so that you do n't cut anybody off , you can dial it and everybody says oh what 's going off , you know , you can courtesy dial it , when we 've finished it shuts that channel down
28 He put the milk bottles down on a small table in the hall , where they were to remain until Ianthe left , and as far as she knew , for ever after .
29 It was dangerous because it left her at his mercy and as far as she knew he had none .
30 And as certainly as she knew these things , Cassie also knew that however it was that Johnny got his kicks , it was not for her .
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