Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [adv] [adv] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It strides more or less straight ahead until it finds an item of food and then changes its movements , now turning through tight angles .
2 ‘ Indeed , ’ he said flatly , ‘ we see one among them who does not serve you , Khan , or not so far as we are aware .
3 Not a trace of the search or the find remained — or not as far as he could see .
4 Just as it is sensible to place notices in braille at hand level or just above so that they can be easily read with the fingers , so visual material needs to be put up near to eye level if it is to be seen or read without difficulty by all the pupils .
5 Male victims above the age of consent might well be perceived as homosexual or latently so even if they are not .
6 I was hoping to see Laura Channing alone , or as near alone as we could get in that hullaballoo .
7 ‘ I visited it once or twice too often before you were born , ’ he said .
8 Fran knew that just as clearly as she knew her own name .
9 However , if prisoners are at risk of sentence under the Public Order Act 1986 , the pack of information can explain that just as easily as it can explain the contents of this miserable and irrelevant little Bill .
10 I do n't know why but I see that more clearly now than I ever did at the time .
11 ‘ Well , well , ’ he murmured , softly , ‘ I could n't have worked that more smoothly even if I 'd tried , could I ? ’
12 If a sentence is long or otherwise difficult , mimic one phrase at a time , beginning with the last one , then adding the penultimate one , and so on successively till you can manage the whole utterance .
13 Usual stuff — you arrange that on such-and-such a day you 'll turn up with so many people and so much luggage and he 'll transport you to the next place and when you turn up he pretends things have changed and you did n't say fifty but fifteen and anyway the price has gone up and so on and so bloody on until he gets the backhander he wants .
14 ‘ It 's just like a piano and so much so that we have n't even got one at home and I did n't practice on one before the competition I can just switch to playing it instead of a piano , ’ said Lisa .
15 I placed all my washing materials , towels , razor and so forth exactly where they should be , wiped a little steam off the mirror on my bathroom cabinet , and returned to my room .
16 This example of practical remembrance is paralleled in our other welfare facilities — at Sussexdown and Richard Peack House and the Eagle Lodges — and perhaps most importantly as we reach out through our Honorary Welfare Officers and out members to find and to help individuals in need .
17 A lot of these were books written by moralistic females ; books which erm reflected various kinds of Victorian ideas , and much later on when I did some research in Oxford on Victorian literature I found a way of putting these two sorts of things together .
18 Hence , the emphasis of our work which , broadly speaking , is concerned with helping either organizations , by which I mean galleries and arts centres , or individuals , in other words artists , craftsmen , photographers , and is increasingly directed to the former in the belief that if we can help them , these centres and galleries , towards adequate levels of staffing and expertise , they in their turn , and much less artificially than we , will be able to help the individual artist .
19 However , there do exist , and not so uncommonly that they can be safely ignored , minimal semantic constituents which consist of more than one word .
20 She was relieved the cut was small and not very deep although it was bleeding steadily .
21 The RoboCop is basically a ‘ man in a suit ’ ; but in the story he has been so reconstituted that even his skin , seen only at his face and not much there until he takes off his helmet , is supposed to be toughened like plastic .
22 The travelling , the exigencies of the business , the constant promotional activity , prolonged absences , his own mercurial nature , made life difficult for Susy if she stayed at home and not much better if she accompanied James on the circuit , something she never much liked to do .
23 ‘ Of course it was — and damned thoroughly too as you can see . ’
24 Cos usually never in when I ring .
25 Again she felt — and more vehemently now than she had felt it before — that Timothy Gedge was possessed .
26 And more especially now that we 've started raiding back against the MacIans and their friends .
27 I WOULD rather take my children into the main bar or lounge of a pub and expect them to sit sensibly and reasonably quietly so that we can all relax , drink , talk and eat in a proper pub atmosphere .
28 He is prepared to drop the tax only on bond transactions between foreigners , and even then only if he can replace the lost revenue by introducing a broadly based value-added tax .
29 ‘ I do n't care much for it myself , Lieutenant , especially if it 's a military plane and even more especially if it 's carrying bombs of any sort .
30 We might begin by asking ourselves just what is a sexual problem : we may find the term a difficult one to define , and even more so if we attempt to assess the magnitude of the problem in any given situation or individual .
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