Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I you mentioned going to college or or rather not going to college .
2 These had left too many pupils of average ability or below either struggling with work beyond their abilities or following ‘ improvised ’ courses .
3 I may read the papers , or perhaps just stay in bed wondering if there 's anything on the doorstep .
4 It would seem that the direction in which it will be refined is to move towards a system more or less completely based on unit costs , or common funding , and that the element of further funding has been included as a temporary measure to allow high cost institutions to adjust to the new system .
5 As to 1 , the court took a rule of liability which had been more or less clearly perceived in connection with the escape of fire , cattle or unruly beasts , and extended it to the escape of mischievous things generally .
6 … As appears from the decision below , the plaintiff could have had no certainty of ultimate success , and we are of opinion that it was not called upon to take the risk of having its contracts disputed and its business injured and of finding the tax more or less nearly doubled in case it finally had to pay .
7 Unlike the brachiopods , many of the modes of life of living bivalve molluscs can be more or less directly matched in fossil examples .
8 Over most of enclosed England , the small fields were hedged around with hawthorn fences , more or less thickly interspersed with ash and elm — the great trees of the Midlands — which when they were full grown gave the appearance of an almost continuous wood , especially when seen from an eminence .
9 ideas should be differently ordered or more fully expressed in order to convey their meaning ;
10 Hence the insistence on ‘ ethnicity ’ and linguistic differences , each or both sometimes combined with religion .
11 In such a situation the purchaser will normally be willing to take over the vendor 's liabilities up to a specified maximum or as specifically itemised in completion accounts .
12 Local elections confirmed the trend and their historian has interpreted them as showing that " by 1913 , the Conservatives had rarely been stronger in the Councils of the land , or indeed more poised for success in the forthcoming general election " .
13 Minimising — admitting that one or two staff members drink a bit or perhaps use a bit of cannabis or maybe occasionally get into trouble with the consequences of drinking too much but insisting that the Company has more important problems to deal with and that it is not the Company rule nor responsibility to deal with these problems .
14 SunSelect does n't want to define exactly what integrate ( its word ) means or how tightly bound over time the products will become , but it seems that they will still be two separate things .
15 However , despite the ingenuity of Shklovsky 's efforts , it became clear that the differential principle behind poetry could not be very extensively or very effectively applied to prose , and the functional opposition had to be constructed on rather different lines .
16 Overall in South America , some 22 per cent of the arid regions are severely or very severely affected by desertification and there are few remedial programmes in hand .
17 This can be applied to the case of marriage , where there will of course be usually sanctions of varying degrees against behaviours that threaten marriage , and sexual activity outside marriage may be disapproved of , but this does not imply that merely not engaging in marriage is disapproved of , nor that an unmarried condition is sanctioned .
18 But most of the mealtime was spent with her either backing away from his leading philandering comments , or racking her brain to think of some comments or questions of her own — other than those that so easily sprang to mind , but which all centred around his employer .
19 It was the kind of tragedy that so often called for sympathy — a momentary sympathy and thrill of horror , mixed with shamefaced satisfaction that it had happened to someone else -before one passed on to less disturbing news .
20 Afterwards Sharon 's stepfather appealed for a concerted campaign to end the spate of car thefts that so often ended in tragedy
21 It is this constitutive role of religious belief that so often comes to mind when the words science and religion are juxtaposed ; for the explanatory pretensions of the world 's religions have made them vulnerable to scientific advance .
22 But the arguments soon broke out again , because the Aube wines , although not officially included as Champagne wines , were not officially excluded either .
23 Secondly , the techniques , although not widely developed to date , may culminate in the creation of more productive plant and animal crops that could help alleviate food scarcity problems in developing countries by increasing the viability of traditionally based agroecosystems , thus obviating the need for the cultivation of new lands .
24 But the failings are not a reason for abandoning a system which is based upon very reasonable principles , although not always working in practice .
25 Although not specifically related to sport , Robert Malina 's work begins with the observation : ‘ populations differ in a variety of biological and cultural characteristics and motor performance and strength are no exception ’ ( 1973 , p.333 ) .
26 Work that not only calls for construction skills but also presents opportunities for BICC to supply power , telecommunications and control cable systems — another major part of our worldwide business operation .
27 This ruling caste has come to rely on Italy 's huge public sector as a patronage machine for rewarding friends and supporters , a system that not only leads to corruption but also acts as a break on much needed free market reforms .
28 Because I would rather die than ever again go to church . ’
29 Nowadays , people have more time than ever before to devote to leisure and recreation .
30 Although still deeply committed to Marxism , in James ' view the nationalist movement had ‘ an autonomy and validity of its own ’ , and he therefore , on Williams ' request , gave his services to the cause .
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