Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Here in Mr Shah 's hotel or out on the plains I find myself making all sorts of airy leaps and connections effortlessly .
2 Some can be so strong that regardless of the consequences they compel action .
3 They were talking in Spanish again so that I could n't follow what was said , only the gist of it , and that largely from the names they referred to : Iris Sunderby 's , of course , her grandfather , too , and the Connors , Sheila Connor in particular , and there was constant repetition of the name Rosalli Gabrielli .
4 She was n't going to let him see that she would jump at it , although not for the reasons he might suppose .
5 You need to stand back from what you write and explicitly present it to your reader , commenting directly on its organisation , rather than just on the ideas it contains .
6 I was n't drinking an awful lot so I decided that even with the difficulties I was going to have Darren home for good .
7 Our long-term aim is to shift the burden of taxation away from the things the country needs more of — income , savings and value added — and on to the things we want less of , such as pollution and resource depletion .
8 Graptolites , trilobites , and dinosaurs are all extinct , and so in the examples we have considered so far there is no direct recourse to the study of living animals to help us bring our fossils back to life .
9 Since Ruth was required to be less and less with the children she found herself with too much time on her hands , and since she was unused to idleness she found the vacant hours trying .
10 The emphasis would be less on workers and families as individuals and more on the roles they play , and how these roles are constrained by certain formal and informal rules .
11 As you gradually get more and more into the thoughts you suddenly shout ‘ STOP ! ’ very loudly and clap your hands loudly simultaneously .
12 And , and like with the objections I would fire them straight down without I concede that you 've got ta say I can er understand you saying that , you know
13 Make a mental note of the things you find are most important to you and also of the things you habitually do that could perhaps go without too much hardship because they are not an essential part of your well-being and happiness .
14 A charter by James I gave for the first time , the power to levy a tax on vessels entering the port and also on the goods they carried .
15 Their songs celebrate the land , which they regard as owning mankind and not the other way around and also about the gods they pray to , principally Patcha-mama , the Aymara earth-god .
16 Time and again the Conservative politicians we approached would talk in private frankly and openly about the problems they foresaw for their party .
17 The founding fathers of capitalist enterprise in south-western Germany were not always rich , but the number of those with long family experience in business , and often in the industries they were to develop , is significant : Swiss-Alsatian Protestants like the Koechlin , Geigy or Sarrasin , Jews grown up in the finance of small princelings , rather than technically innovating craftsmen-entrepreneurs .
18 the ‘ contradiction ’ is inseparable from the total structure of the social body in which it is found , inseparable from its formal conditions of existence , and even from the instances it governs ; it is radically affected by them , determining , but also determined in one and the same movement , and determined by the various levels and instances of the social formation it animates ; it might be called overdetermined in its principle .
19 Yeah but you imagine it , you 're going out with someone and you see them like every day and then during the holidays you wo n't be able to see them
20 Gaelic is Hebrew but no one knew this until Pitman invented shorthand and then without the vowels it was clear that Gaelic and Hebrew were the same .
21 Yes I , after I lost my daughter I had to go into erm , into the factory to make aeroplane pieces at Burnt Mill cos I was so bad with my nerves after I lost her , er just afternoons I had to go and then I was taken ill I could n't do it , well then after my erm , I got my family off to school I took a part time job in erm one of the factories making tea in the mornings for the office and coffees and that for the office and then in the afternoons I used to do the tea as well , I used to cycle there , I quite enjoyed it until my right hip started coming bad then I had to pack it in , but I was in there , I was there for about four years and I thoroughly enjoyed it you know making tea and that , I did n't have to take it round only collect the money to go round and collect the money , but used to have to put the trolley outside and they used to come and get their tea each one , of which they knew which was their mugs and cups ha , you know , I , I thoroughly enjoyed that job , really great
22 He thought that here and there in the slaves he could detect traces of an old lineage .
23 So up to the woods and there in the woods he heard the sound of an axe .
24 Here and there in the grounds I could see people dotted about .
25 The result of this on any significant scale would inevitably be a decline in the quality of the education we provide , and consequently of the graduates we produce .
26 It embodies the decision impugned and apart from the definitions I must set it out in full .
27 It is n't enough to make searches ; you must deal intelligently and adequately with the replies you receive .
28 and on one side and yet inside the instructions it gave , you know
29 And then the railway lines themselves , snaking out secretly and backwards and then suddenly fanning out into a thousand arteries of shining black steel leaping through London and beyond to the places you can only imagine , the lines pulsing her brain with the excitement of where they 're going .
30 That you can easily lose your concentration and go off to sleep and so it is in the truth , so we need to stay awake , stand firm for almighty , be vigilant and again in the scriptures we could look up half a dozen scriptures in the Christian Greek scriptures to show that we need to keep spiritually awake and it uses different terminology you 've heard me use some already , remember the one in verse Peter four , verse seven ?
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