Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [verb] it to the " in BNC.

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1 They are quite capable of grabbing a solitary puffin in mid-air with their beaks or even beating it to the ground with blows of their wings .
2 It is worrying , therefore , that the NIRC in Hudson ( Birmingham ) Ltd v Winsper opined : ‘ If they [ the employers ] want to make it absolutely certain that no tribunal will dissent from their dismissing the driver who is convicted of dangerous driving , then they should , in fairness to themselves and the driver , post a notice or otherwise bring it to the attention of all their drivers that any conviction for dangerous driving , regardless of the circumstances which give rise to it , will lead to dismissal .
3 Yeah , even connected it on the end here , the , the station and set this display decoder up and it even did it there so it was nothing to do with the live lamp wire , the way they routed it we thought that perhaps rerouted it to the cable or something like that
4 They 're for the child in school ; they 're for the housewife ; they 're for the businessman of the future , and an ordinary competent businessman has the capability and the possibility of actually learning how these devices work and using them , rather than just leaving it to the boffin , the scientist , the computer expert .
5 But the disparity lies less in tone than in technique : like rather a lot of modern movies , Bye Bye Blues lacks the capacity to formulate its material rather than just present it to the audience and leave them to do the rest .
6 This is then forgotten or repressed when it seems to have vanished altogether and there 's a third period , what Freud calls the return of the repressed when the initial trauma comes back in the form of symptoms and er ideally in the form of an analysis that finally brings it to the surface of consciousness and dissolves it , and this is a typical pattern .
7 It was the final ignominy in the short , troubled history of the club that nearly made it to the First Division .
8 Tunstall 's main thesis is that the evidence for concentration of ownership is very weak if one charts ownership across all media fields rather than simply restricting it to the press , radio and television .
9 In the middle layer is greenish gabbro , molten rock that never made it to the surface of the crust .
10 Originally six absconded from a local farm and successfully made it to the mill in a lorry chassis , however they had dwindled to a single cockerel .
11 ( and rightly linked it to the
12 ‘ The onus is on line managers to develop the people who report to them and not leave it to the human resources professional , or anybody else .
13 The new insight is that Grb2 associates with Sos1 , and thus recruits it to the activated receptor in the plasma membrane where Ras activation is presumed to take place .
14 Carl Glenn , a commission investigator , describing events in El Chorrillo , a poor , primarily Black neighbourhood located near the Panamanian Defense Force headquarters , where 10,000 were made homeless , said : US troops bombed the community , shelled it with heavy artillery , strafed it and finally burned it to the ground .
15 Now extremely overweight and looking older than his sixty-five years , Brando spurns most film offers , although he appeared in The Freshman in 1989 and promptly denounced it to the world before it was even in the can .
16 He laid siege to the fortress and gradually weakened it to the point of collapse .
17 Lady Weighall was also responsible for laying out Jubilee Park , opposite Petwood , and later gifting it to the authorities .
18 Obviously a transfer of allegiance in the feudal way was much less of a strain than the submergence of a national spirit , and there was a great difference between the national spirit of Englishmen and the allegiance to the King of France or to the Great Moghul felt by the inhabitants of New France and of Bengal ; if the inhabitants of Bengal had felt that they were citizens of the nation of Bengal it would hardly have been possible for them to change to feeling they were Englishmen , but for them to feel that they used to owe allegiance to the Nawab of Bengal and now owed it to the British businessmen who had conquered the Nawab was not such a difficult transition .
19 And if you 're flying more than one bird , you can take the transmitter off when you 've finished with one and simply attach it to the next .
20 In the UK , however , there is every encouragement to agriculturally improve land and then stock it to the maximum , and for farmers to acquire more land and increase the size of their units because no upper limit exists for HLCA payments per farm unit ( subject to not reaching the maximum stocking density overall ) .
21 In other words , they created a self-image and then sold it to the greater powers of western Europe ; and whatever their reaction , be it incredulous , admiring or contemptuous , these powers now found it impossible to ignore the Scots ' insistent demands that they should be noticed .
22 It is possible to culture the early embryo and then return it to the mother 's uterus where it will develop normally .
23 Watch how they move right up to a certain morsel and pick it up with their lips , or how they move no closer than several inches to another and then draw it to the edge of their lips with a mighty suck .
24 them particular chemicals and then submit it to the , the insurance company , what them 's the only chemicals you use , and the company said this and that .
25 When children are encouraged to thread beads on a lace to match a particular pattern and then repeat it to the end of the lace , there is development of the idea of sequence .
26 For example , I might assemble code into RAM block and then copy it to the unit plugged in at location .
27 What you do is to select the block of text that you wish to manipulate , ie you use the pointer tool and not the text tool , and then copy it to the Scrapbook via the Clipboard .
28 Much the better practice is first to state the rule of law and then to apply it to the facts .
29 Carritt bought it , correctly identified it as a lost early work , and magnanimously sold it to the National Gallery , London , far below the market price .
30 Respondents were also left a self-completion questionnaire and asked to fill it in and either give it to the interviewer when he or she called back or return it by post ; the response rate to this was 93 per cent .
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