Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [verb] in [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Becker hints at the inside model when he concludes , not without generating some confusion , that ‘ whether a given act is deviant or not depends in part on the nature of the act ( that is , whether or not it violates some rule ) and in part on what other people do about it ’ .
2 Information held by a body , whether or not obtained in pursuit of our statutory activities , and collected at any date .
3 Having studied the proposals on behalf of the assembly 's Environment Committee , German MEP Mrs Ursula Schleicher said : ‘ The problem is immense , the substances involved — approximately 100 000 — are produced in anything form massive to minute quantities , dangerous to widely varying degrees and either known to possess dangerous properties or else shrouded in mystery on that point .
4 The buffet tables were now open , and most people in here were either crowded around them or else standing in line with plates ; she could see the two Venetz sisters and their fill-in staff working the tables , carving , serving , and fetching .
5 In their natural state , such lands are characterised by large herds of herbivores that seasonally migrate in tune with biomass availability , so it is not surprising that overgrazing and land degradation ensue .
6 If people are exposed to the variety of opinions that normally exist in relation to any major issue , the likelihood of their being easily manipulated by unscrupulous opinion-makers is greatly reduced .
7 The extraordinary generation of NO induced by endotoxin could explain the absence of motor activity that usually occurs in association with gall bladder infection .
8 Schools Minister Eric Forth reacted by praising pupils and teachers for their hard work , saying : ‘ We can now look forward to seeing more students than ever continuing in education beyond the age of 16 . ’
9 Although still biased in favour of him we do to some extent begin to change our opinion and perhaps look further behind his lies and inconsistencies .
10 The drama depicted is something that once happened in front of the canvas — where the painter claimed to be nature !
11 Duncan and I had been talking for about ten minutes or more and swatting the increasing number of mosquitoes that always arrived in force at this time of the evening .
12 The Tannoy announces the opening of the buffet , and up we get , not stopping for an instant to reflect that even standing in line for seven hours outside Moscow 's GUM department store in pursuit of half a mouldy cabbage would be a more profitable venture than a futile pilgrimage to a British Rail catering outlet .
13 So erm I mean the justification for this kind of course I would claim is ultimately to try and make people more realistic about what is possible and er the , because th th the advantage of knowing what 's possible is you can avoid impossible experiments that ultimately result in disaster for everyone .
14 There had always been more in common between the front benches than either had in common with their followers in the country .
15 It is , in fact , impossible to find any poisonous animal that actively goes in search of victims unless it is feeding .
16 Dodder propagates either from seeds or clonally from broken-off segments of the vine that accidentally come in contact with a fresh host .
17 It is widely distributed in space among different individuals , and widely distributed in time over many generations .
18 ‘ XA ’ addresses CD-ROM 's deficiencies by permitting different types of data — text , sound , images — to be interleaved and thereby accessed in parallel from the disc .
19 So Jessie became a secretary to a Manchester solicitor and eventually fell in love with and married an officer during the First World War .
20 I was lucky in my tutors and my college , and like so many young men before and since fell in love with the place .
21 The mosquito hovers a couple of centimetres from the trunk and suddenly alights in front of the ant .
22 In 1915 and ‘ 16 he had proved he had n't lost his old touch , and so died in bed at a great age , garnished with colourful honours , many of them from grateful countries whose soldiers he had n't got killed even on purpose .
23 It was thought that this would stimulate our divinity students in being close to the university and so involved in contact with university students who would in future years be leaders of the nation , just as we hoped the divinity students would become leaders of the Church .
24 It is clear that an element of contrast is intended , with a meaning something like " in writing Othello , Shakespeare becomes an exception , and so stands in contrast to other writers ' .
25 RNase protection analysis with a probe spanning this region detected two partially protected fragments which were not present in RNA from vascular tissue and only found in RNA from visceral tissue .
26 If so get in touch with Steve Hack on Farnham 725224 every Monday and we 'll give you some free publicity .
27 Jim Haynes , meanwhile , tended to gravitate through London oblivious of politics , taking as much pleasure it seemed from a London night out with President Johnson 's daughter , or a meeting with the US ambassador 's wife -'I; do n't see how anyone can meet her and not fall in love with her' — as from radical arts .
28 As the present government , despite its ‘ hands off , free market ’ attitudes , is involving itself in the workings of the pub trade , then it must shoulder the responsibility for the present state of affairs and insist that arbitration on rents must be genuinely independent and not loaded in favour of the brewers .
29 It was exactly like her to go away and not get in touch with her parents .
30 In both cases precautionary measures could have been cheaply and easily put in place by fixing covers to the machines , Darlington magistrates were told yesterday .
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