Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [verb] it [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Whether the farm worker preferred to defer to the authority of his ‘ betters ’ , or fight against it , or merely accept it as a fact of life and accommodate to it as best he could , he recognized that there was a clear , qualitative difference between this relationship and that with his fellow workers .
2 Or just throw it at the neighbours , thought Henry grimly , as he tipped the edenwort in next to the water-chestnuts and the giant yam .
3 Now you 're gon na want a pin , these are rather small pins , I recommend that peop people who have got large hands try and fit their first aid kit out with large pins , they 're much easier to handle , but firstly they do not put pins in their mouths for obvious reasons , either , either have it on the table open ready or just pop it in the front of shirt while you do this bit , okay ?
4 The English clerk would work doubly hard , either to resolve the problem or carefully to hide it behind a tissue of half-truths .
5 I do n't see how that you can possible reduce the number of deaths within the county , or even maintain it at the same level .
6 Even so , giving bright light at a time which should not affect the body clock or even adjust it in the wrong direction could be tested — as has already been described .
7 They are quite capable of grabbing a solitary puffin in mid-air with their beaks or even beating it to the ground with blows of their wings .
8 This does not mean that the applicant can not let the house , but if she sells it , or simply uses it as a second home , she may have to pay back the whole or part of the grant with interest .
9 ‘ If we knew where one of these things was going to be flown into space , ’ he said , speaking quickly before the words had time to escape , ‘ and we could sort of hang on to the sides or whatever , or maybe drive it like the Truck , and we took you with us , then we could jump off when we got up there and go and find this ship of ours , could n't we ? ’
10 If we can recognise it then we know about it ( a Person ) , or how to tackle it with a standard solution ( a disease ) , or what the significance maybe ( an inflection in a chart ) .
11 Now you ca n't possibly test a medicine on ten thousand people before you start to sell it , so that sort of risk , as rare a risk as that , will only be picked up when the medicine has actually been in use and on the market and been properly prescribed for some years , and what we are doing now , and what is particularly interesting , is to start to use computers to pick up these adverse reactions so that we know much more quickly in future if a medicine is doing any harm and we can either stop prescribing it for the people who are going to suffer from it , and that 's the most likely thing , or else take it off the market altogether if it 's if we do n't if we ca n't pick out the people who might be at risk .
12 It is worrying , therefore , that the NIRC in Hudson ( Birmingham ) Ltd v Winsper opined : ‘ If they [ the employers ] want to make it absolutely certain that no tribunal will dissent from their dismissing the driver who is convicted of dangerous driving , then they should , in fairness to themselves and the driver , post a notice or otherwise bring it to the attention of all their drivers that any conviction for dangerous driving , regardless of the circumstances which give rise to it , will lead to dismissal .
13 Driving instructors will tell us that if a cat or dog strays into our path , and we are unable to stop or otherwise avoid it in an orderly fashion , then we should run it down .
14 Or cravenly deposit it in a bin ?
15 Yeah , even connected it on the end here , the , the station and set this display decoder up and it even did it there so it was nothing to do with the live lamp wire , the way they routed it we thought that perhaps rerouted it to the cable or something like that
16 And I mean , if you think that just presenting it in the , in the class is er enough
17 They 're for the child in school ; they 're for the housewife ; they 're for the businessman of the future , and an ordinary competent businessman has the capability and the possibility of actually learning how these devices work and using them , rather than just leaving it to the boffin , the scientist , the computer expert .
18 But the disparity lies less in tone than in technique : like rather a lot of modern movies , Bye Bye Blues lacks the capacity to formulate its material rather than just present it to the audience and leave them to do the rest .
19 This is then forgotten or repressed when it seems to have vanished altogether and there 's a third period , what Freud calls the return of the repressed when the initial trauma comes back in the form of symptoms and er ideally in the form of an analysis that finally brings it to the surface of consciousness and dissolves it , and this is a typical pattern .
20 The depth of the recession facing Germany means that the boom must fall soon , and then about the only way for Siemens to save the company will be to make a major acquisition that finally puts it onto the world stage .
21 It was the final ignominy in the short , troubled history of the club that nearly made it to the First Division .
22 Just as I 'm wondering if I have time to nip across to silence it , there 's a burst of shouting that nearly jolts it off the table .
23 It is even sophisticated enough to perform spot and process colour separations to a PostScript printer — a feature that also separates it from the majority of budget drawing packages .
24 Tunstall 's main thesis is that the evidence for concentration of ownership is very weak if one charts ownership across all media fields rather than simply restricting it to the press , radio and television .
25 The question was asked : we know that he is a sound and effective Prime Minister ; but is he also a leader who can save the Conservative Party from the fate that undoubtedly awaited it at a general election had Mrs Thatcher remained in office ?
26 In the middle layer is greenish gabbro , molten rock that never made it to the surface of the crust .
27 Originally six absconded from a local farm and successfully made it to the mill in a lorry chassis , however they had dwindled to a single cockerel .
28 Billy had already hand-reared a male cub and successfully released it into the wild .
29 Bourdieu 's first task is to rescue taste as preference from essentialist doctrines of aesthetics , and thereby free it as a potential tool for the contingent historical analysis of society .
30 In them he is no longer fighting against his instinctive understanding of the region , traditions and spirit of his home country , but embracing it as a source of inspiration , and eventually using it as a touchstone against which the characters and even life itself are to be judged .
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