Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [verb] up in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I walked along , trembling with anger and misery , not through the London of beautiful houses and clean streets that I 'd dreamed of , where people wore only elegant , expensive clothes , nor between buildings that soared into the clouds , but in the darkness past trees planted at infrequent intervals and council houses with their unlit windows , all alike ; I passed people asleep , protected from the cold in cardboard boxes , and rubbish in untidy heaps or neatly tied up in black plastic bags and empty milk bottles with traces of sour milk lingering in them , and I marvelled once again that the dairies were trusting enough to leave them lying about .
2 Although initially set up in direct opposition to the policies of the Thatcher government , the implications for local government structures are similar , with a move away from direct electoral representation towards a greater concern for the representation of functional interests .
3 If you just place them on the back seat of your car , or they are removed from an arrangement and not packed up in any special way , some of the petals will almost definitely become bruised , which will cause brown lines , patches and spots once the flowers have been pressed .
4 You could be right , for many people have drifted from one job to another and finally ended up in public relations .
5 With the outbreak of war , the activities of the NUWM were suspended , and finally wound up in 1943 .
6 Dependent conditionals , secondly , are not to be identified with the " material conditionals " of truth-functional logic , which rarely if ever turn up in ordinary language .
7 ‘ Well , health without money is n't much catch either , ’ Breeze muttered rebelliously , and then looked up in swift contrition .
8 Another material used for guttering is aluminium , which is sometimes joined with silicone or butyl-based sealants and sometimes put up in long lengths by the supplier .
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