Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [verb] to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Such judgements are supposed to be true or false in a fairly straightforward way , and to be testable by empirical enquiry or perhaps appeal to the common experience of the human race .
2 The antero-posterior axis of the frog egg more or less corresponds to the animal-vegetal axis .
3 About ten or so blaze to the empty night .
4 However , as late as 1979 a Soviet researcher wrote that no system existed for checking and analysing technical and economic information relating to product quality , and that ‘ present methods of assessing the quality of goods manufactured for export or already delivered to the foreign consumer can not provide an adequate view of how well they are produced ’ ( Gruzinov : 1979 , p. 191 ) .
5 Waste in the first category may be minimised by installing automatic light controls ; turning lighting on or off according to the measured light levels .
6 It is alleged by the plaintiff that the use of these roads by numerous heavy goods vehicles at night amounts to a public nuisance for which the defendants are responsible : the dock company because it controls the Gillingham Gate and by its operation of the gate and the port in general causes or permits the heavy goods vehicles to go in and out of it at all hours , and the fourth and fifth defendants , Crescent Wharves Ltd. and Ship Link Terminals Ltd. respectively , because as sublessees of the dock company they or their customers send heavy goods vehicles in and out of the port and cause or materially contribute to the alleged nuisance .
7 Even if higher order descriptions of geometric associations ( ie detail entities , surfaces or solids ) are declared then associativity between objects is first performed on the relevant enveloping boxes ( or " local spaces " ) before deciding whether or how to proceed to the higher level of association .
8 The effect on the original relationship of controlling a test factor is affected by whether the third variable is positively or negatively related to the other variables .
9 That was when Sharpe bothered to show himself at the Prince 's headquarters at all ; he evidently preferred to spend his days riding the French frontier which was a job that properly belonged to the pompous General Dornberg , which thought reminded the Prince that Dornberg 's noon report should have arrived .
10 The sailor would hold the egg to his mouth and let the albumin form a string that eventually extended to the large intestine .
11 Attention is drawn to the fact that , while the balance conditions ( 7.9 ) and ( 7.10 ) for the Maxwell L-C bridge are independent of frequency , those for the Hay version are frequency dependent , so that for good results with this version an extremely pure sinusoidal source is needed and , ideally , a detection system that only responds to the same frequency .
12 Unfortunately the letter to Sarah Catt arrived first and it was she who was the first to break the news — by phone — to Charman , a circumstance that only added to the unpleasant situation .
13 It asked him to omit the Foreign Secretary 's residence , and although generally to conform to the 1856 conditions , he should ascertain Hammond 's latest requirements and find out if the building could be reduced in size .
14 As a result , the brunt of investment pressures will have to be borne by an ever-decreasing stock of pubs ; and what good pubs we have left will be more than ever exposed to the cold winds of change .
15 Indeed , I consider it more opportune than ever to extend to the entire ecclesiastical community an initiative already observed in some countries and regions that has yielded truly valuable pastoral results .
16 They include the Duchess of Windsor 's inscribed gold Cartier bracelet and a diamond and turquoise turtle brooch that once belonged to the late American artist Andy Warhol .
17 Corresponding small-signal behaviour at high frequencies is then covered by adding reactive components to the equivalent circuit that directly relate to the particular physical mechanisms that cause the differing response at such frequencies .
18 Although strongly opposed to the proposed change of name he remained a faithful member of the Association all his life and was awarded the BDA 's medal of honour in 1975 .
19 A dynasty which had ruled a great network of continental territories , larger in geographical extent than those of the Capetian kings of France , could not easily forget that legacy , nor readily adjust to the changed political conditions of the later thirteenth century .
20 FIG. 1 The antibody to the pax[b] protein recognizes two polypeptides that closely correspond to the alternate splicing products of the pax[b] gene .
21 Greg had said before the tournament that the secret of winning might be in not taking worse than bogey and that definitely applied to the third round .
22 Although publicly subscribing to the sectarian theses of Kharkov , the party continued to countenance the dissemination of a heretical collaborative policy within the pages of Barbusse 's Monde .
23 A complete set of software tools to aid the physical mapping of a genome has been developed and successfully applied to the genomic mapping of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe .
24 If the money supply is not expanded sufficiently to meet this demand , interest rates will rise , this in turn will discourage some investment and so contribute to the slowing down in the growth of output and eventually lead to the upper turning-point .
25 The announcement of the bride 's sister 's engagement would be acceptable , but only if the bride herself knows in advance and gladly agrees to the public announcement being made at her wedding .
26 Service of a notice of severance ( see Precedent 12 ) would appear to be effective to sever the joint tenancy if properly addressed to the other joint tenant and received at the property concerned .
27 The imminence of a Labour government may have persuaded some of the middle class to consult their interests rather than their tender consciences , and so return to the Tory fold .
28 The idea was this : When the star becomes small , the matter particles get very near each other , and so according to the Pauli exclusion principle , they must have very different velocities .
29 These values should be increased to give optimal response and so adapt to the overall machine loading on the host system .
30 It follows that any significant increase in the number of defendants who are committed for trial to the Crown Court instead of being dealt with by the magistrates will itself engender further delays and so add to the growing remand problem .
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