Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 Mm that 's what that girl 's just said to me you get a lot of erm , she said he 'll know it 's hard and I was saying that you know I , I put all me eggs in one basket with that , I mean that really knocked me for six
2 If you are ever attacked by a man with an erect penis , simply grasp it as firmly as you can , and forcibly rearrange it from 12 o'clock to six o'clock — and then run like hell .
3 The plants are trained up a string which is zig-zagged up and down to train it in one place .
4 Some people tell us to keep Moby on a tight lead and only walk him in one or two places ; others tell us not to let him off the lead as his bones are n't yet strong enough to take the strain ; some tell us to relax and hope he grows out of it .
5 She did routine office stuff for the rest of the day , and only re-read it at five .
6 If so contact him at 23 , Manor House Farm , Flockton , near Wakefield , West Yorks .
7 It has been known for caterers to come in at 8am , turn all the ovens on and not use them for three hours . ’
8 Which is what I meant to erm tt get on to Chris from the press office B B C Well I 'll give him a bell and just organize it for one day .
9 Hamilton picked up a pencil , and deliberately snapped it in two .
10 The tug refloated the vessel , towed her to a sheltered anchorage where she was made fit for the tow to Hong Kong , and thereafter towed her for four days to docks in Hong Kong .
11 Defenders of the evacuees pointed out that the exercise had taken place at the end of a particularly hot summer , in which head lice would have thrived , that parents had not been properly informed of how long their children would be evacuated for ( and hence despatched them in one day 's clothing ) , or that the first day of evacuation ( 1 September ) was a Friday — the day on which working-class financial resources would have been at their lowest , preventing parents buying extra garments for their children .
12 okay multiply it by ten and now divide it by ten .
13 He began early , in Bangkok and then Dubai , had a week 's work-out with David Leadbetter in Orlando and then followed it with four straight tournaments coming into the Masters .
14 I want you to do the same for twenty four and you wo n't get it all on one line there 'll be a lot of them and then try it for thirty six and when you 're really happy with twenty four when you 're happy with twelve and you can write all those out quite happily without looking at this try twenty four see if you know see if threes 'll go fives 'll go and sevens and everything else .
15 And then try it with thirty six .
16 Okay so try it with twelve first of all and then try it with twenty four
17 Why not list your own holiday requirements and then tick them off one by one as you discover for yourself what Ten Bel has to offer .
18 and then put them on five minutes defrost .
19 A senior clerk should clear the machines and then reset them to zero at various times during the day .
20 We normally try and estimate the full year tax charge and then apply it to six months and we got it wrong .
21 My own preference when using these elite units is to mass them in a body to provide the heaviest punch possible and then unleash them against one section of the enemy line with the hope that the breakthrough will start a general rout of the enemy force .
22 So do I divide that by five and then times it by ten ?
23 Instead he waited until stragglers ventured outside the walls and then picked them off one by one , capturing the Dwarfs alive if possible and tormenting them for days within earshot of the citadel walls .
24 three quarters of your gross less two nine one seven and that 's , and then divide it by fifty two to get your weekly benefit .
25 Alida Thorne read the letter again , and then tore it into forty or fifty tiny squares , her hand shaking with anger .
26 He proved incapable of meeting the financial demands of this last office , and his predecessor Sir William Russell [ q.v. ] had to step into the breach and ultimately replaced him in 1630 .
27 She bit her lip , feeling the tension curling in hot little spirals in her stomach as she realised that once again he was slowly and insistently drawing her into one of those disturbingly intimate conversations .
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