Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [verb] [prep] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 Contributing factors include a very dry , hot summer which helps the algae to flourish , along with the residue of pesticides from farms and effluent from factories which , although greatly improved in modern times and now controlled , have left a residue on the loch bottom which still caused problems .
2 Look out for products such as Visio , a drop and drag drawing package which utilises job-specific stencils ; WinDesk , a customisable desktop for Windows ; ProtoView , a screen management facility for Windows ; Star Trek the Screensaver , a screensaver program for Star Trek fanatics ; Office Accelerator , a program to run your office from within your favourite word-processor ; Color Tools , a multimedia graphics solution ; Labtech Vision , a program that produces dynamic graphics that automatically update in real time , and CameraMan , which records and plays back Windows routines .
3 South of the village is an area known locally as ‘ Hills and Holes ’ — deserted and overgrown quarry pits where the coarse limestone called ‘ ragstone ’ was quarried by the Romans and widely used in medieval times .
4 Most Saturday evenings , during winter , Ann prepares an ethnic meal from the current country of her dreams : Turkey , Mexico , Egypt , Indonesia , Arabia ; or historic dishes from England 's past , and even delights from Roman times .
5 The other two players were both club men , Glenn Brill , a Silverdale forward with a brief North Harbour record , and Nigel Ward , a high-scoring loose forward with Silverdale and then Northcote in recent times , but with no real chance of becoming a regular North Harbour player .
6 It goes through a cycle of changes until it finally returns to its original state and then merges into infinite time .
7 CUCGA intends within five years to have ( i ) established relations with the media , Government Departments , Members of both Houses of Parliament and other bodies with an interest in higher education ; ( ii ) established itself as a campaigning body on behalf of graduate organisations ; ( iii ) opened its membership to encompass all university convocations and analogous bodies in the UK ; ( iv ) established methods of funding to allow it to support its expanded role ; ( v ) developed a comprehensive portfolio of policy issues upon which it can actively and publicly campaign at appropriate times .
8 The skew chisel is well known , and though not manufactured in recent times , the skew gouge has been utilised as a modification .
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