Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [verb] [noun sg] in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Here you will find a strip of hotels , restaurants , bars and clubs ( do n't forget you have to be 21 or over to buy alcohol in Florida ) .
2 The difficulty factors can operate as foci for teaching : pupils ' search strategies , their competence in interpretation and in calculation may separately or collectively need attention in order to improve performance .
3 Whether it is the academics ' interests in the livings that come in the wake of a research career ; or industry 's wish to produce new drugs or insecticides ; or the state 's desire to develop new military armaments or better traffic flows or even to reduce truancy in schools ; these are motivations quite unconnected with the education of students in higher education .
4 They did not understand the nature of honour or how to win glory in battle .
5 The penis as sales tool , or how to get head in advertising : right , the creamiest milk chocolate advert in the world and , left , a lipstick that any man would be proud of
6 … ( 6 ) In this section ‘ costs ’ means costs as between party and party , and includes the costs of applying for an order under this section ; and where a party begins to receive representation after the proceedings have been instituted , or ceases to receive representation before they are finally decided or otherwise receives representation in connection with part only of the proceedings , the reference in subsection ( 2 ) above to the costs incurred by the unassisted party in the proceedings shall be construed as a reference to so much of those costs as is attributable to that part .
7 The applicant sought judicial review of the decison of the Director of the Serious Fraud Office on 26 June 1991 , in the course of criminal proceedings against the applicant , to seek to enforce his compliance with the requirement contained in a notice issued pursuant to section 2 of the Criminal Justice Act 1987 to attend at her offices and answer questions or otherwise furnish information in respect of her investigation of the applicant alone , afer she had caused him to be interviewed under caution on three occasions and thereafter charged him with an offence , at a time when and in circumstances whereby ( a ) the applicant 's application for legal aid had not yet been granted and he had neither legal advice nor legal representation available to him ; ( b ) the Director had stated that she would not cause the applicant to be further cautioned in compliance with Code C , paragraph 16.5 of the current Codes of Practice issued pursuant to the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 .
8 There was much more teamwork between nurses and doctors than normally takes place in hospitals .
9 Idiomatic means more than just making sense in English .
10 Only in Orkney did this response receive a low rating which could be attributed to most of the people interviewed having been brought up on a farm and having the confidence that usually goes hand in hand with experience .
11 Between £40 and £60 , plus of course that often forgotten cost in petrol to fetch it or choose it .
12 Having heard that , and secondly due to your patience er through your patience getting clarification that it the borough could if it wished allocate its sixty hectares under this structure plan policy outside the town centres and that things that then took place in town centres would be extra , it 's not something they have to do but it 's a freedom they would have in their local plan , having heard those two things , the concern I 've got that even at sixty hectares , Harrogate 's allocation was too small erm really recedes very quickly sir , and would completely disappear and here Mr Allenby and I are at one ,
13 Directly or indirectly we could ‘ ask ’ him/her , but our requirement is that an observer acting at a distance can observe what a pupil does and thence infer satisfaction in response .
14 Insisting that religious faith must be absolutely certain and secure , it decides that history can never provide such security and thereby loses interest in history altogether .
15 The Danish government successfully sponsored a proposal originating with US conservationist groups , but opposed by the US government , to list the black bear in Appendix II and thereby limit trade in bear gall bladders ( which , like rhino horn and other exotic products , were used in oriental traditional medicine ) .
16 Halfling refugees poured down the river Aver in a convoy of boats , barges , and improvised rafts , and eventually took refuge in Nuln .
17 ‘ It has been the largest and longest sustained fall in unemployment in the history of this country . ’
18 What is striking about all these cases quoted is that , in every one , the eventual victim had already pursued his or her complaint exhaustively behind the scenes with the employer and only went public in desperation when the outrage was intense and no other recourse seemed available .
19 Three years after the termination of war in 1945 a friendly nation , France , was fighting a desperate and apparently losing struggle in Indo-China .
20 This alignment , designed by diplomats to maintain the balance of power and thus ensure peace in Europe , was in fact potentially inflammatory .
21 The raid on Gay 's The Word bookshop in 1984 was merely the largest and best publicised exercise in State censorship this decade .
22 Elsewhere socialist parties have had to compete in multiparty and proportional electoral systems and usually share power in government .
23 This creates opportunities for accountants to act as experts , preparing a report on the subject of the suit or prosecution and possibly giving evidence in court as an expert witness .
24 Always study the instructions supplied , try out your stove before setting out , and always keep safety in mind .
25 To provide teachers with the means to easily and quickly identify sexism in children 's literature should they wish to do so [ 'sexism' here to include explicit sexism , i.e. a refusal to acknowledge diversity resulting in a stereotypical portrayal , and implicit sexism , i.e. a tacit acceptance of prevalent inequalities on the basis that these reflect currently accepted norms ] .
26 The teacher must also be completely familiar with the game being played and also show fairness in scoring .
27 Although he has a large enough income to support them both , he puts most of it into a building society and also invests money in shares .
28 A Cumberland man , Richard Ratcliffe , was made constable of Barnard Castle and also acquired land in Richmondshire by his marriage ( probably achieved with the duke 's support ) to the widowed sister of John lord Scrope of Bolton .
29 A Cumberland man , Richard Ratcliffe , was made constable of Barnard Castle and also acquired land in Richmondshire by his marriage ( probably achieved with the duke 's support ) to the widowed sister of John lord Scrope of Bolton .
30 The focus is placed on the user 's information needs and overall searching behaviour in order to build a conceptual framework for qualitative research on the use and evaluation of online catalogues .
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