Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] can [adv] [be] say " in BNC.

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1 The two limitations were that recovery will not be available : ( 1 ) where it can properly be said that the payment was made to close the transaction , and ( 2 ) where the payer was mistaken as to the proper interpretation of the statute .
2 This test is ambiguous as to whether or not D must have thought about whether the woman is consenting , but there are those who argue that one can not be said ‘ not to care less ’ about something unless one has considered it .
3 This realization has led to a great deal of debate and , although it can not be said that a general consensus has been reached on how best to define development , a good deal of light has been shed on the processes involved in different types of development .
4 In an article written in support of the ordination of women to the priesthood in the Episcopal Church in the United States , Richard Norris , whose scholarship I have just mentioned , argues that the tenets of patristic Christology are such that it can not be said that a baptized woman is differently related than is a man to Jesus as the Christ .
5 I am satisfied that it can not be said that section 6(2) is unworkable if the words of that provision are given their wide general meaning .
6 It is now necessary to consider when a commercial transaction is so structured that it can not be said that the parties are dealing on standard terms at all .
7 Now it seems to me with erm with great respect from the view of the taxing officer , that er it 's quite clear that er both parties were holding han were holding their hands in relation to a question of taxation because negotiations were going on between the parties and indeed the defendants were being requested er not to proceed with taxation but to see if they could obtain an overall assessment and the point was met to the defendants barrister , telling quite frankly there would n't be much advantage in the defendants pushing on with erm taxation because they 'd only , they would have to look to his interest in the property to get payment , it seems to me in those circumstances that it can not be said that erm the plaintiffs were in any way acting improperly and not seeking to have the costs taxed during the period while the negotiations were being carried on er because effectively and
8 The difference between the evangelicals and the others is so great that it can almost be said that growth in the diocese as a whole is restricted to evangelical parishes .
9 It may well be that the decision of a particular valuer appointed might fix the price and might be equally satisfactory to both : so it can hardly be said there is a difference between them .
10 And it can not be said that that is the union 's business as of generally recognised right to decide , or to share in deciding , that application .
11 Simultaneously to starting a business , Louis started courting — and it can also be said he was piling-up a lot of trouble for himself .
12 Thus the question remains an open one , and it can hardly be said that the hotel proprietor had put his property to any special or unusually sensitive use .
13 My belief that I am in pain may be justified , perhaps , but I can hardly be said to base it on reasons , conclusive or otherwise .
14 The ‘ stepped pyramids ’ may be characteristic of the Cornish landscape , but they can not be said to sit naturally in it .
15 The mode of economic production prevalent in a society may be very different from the mode of ideological production , but they can still be said to share certain ingredients .
16 Such combinations constitute formulaic patterns which are indeed of very frequent occurrence in language use and need to be accounted for ( as I mentioned in Chapter 3 ) but they can hardly be said to represent the total language to be taught .
17 But it can hardly be said that the relationship between the two sectors has been as mutually productive as it might be .
18 It can never be said of a theory that it is true , however well it has withstood rigorous tests , but it can hopefully be said that a current theory is superior to its predecessors in the sense that it is able to withstand tests that falsified those predecessors .
19 The editor may not agree with sentiments in a " letter to the editor " : if sued for libel , does he lose the defence of " fair comment " because it can not be said that the opinion is honestly his ?
20 However , it is not known whether the courts would accept this argument , because it can perhaps be said that the shares management acquire in Newco are acquired pursuant to ( though not causally connected to ) an opportunity offered to management ( namely to buy Target or its business ) by reason of their employment/directorships with the vendor or Target .
21 Joseph Needham 's only indexed reference to dreaming in ancient China is tantalizingly brief : Oneiromancy , or prognostication by dreams , was also practised in China , as in most ancient civilisations , though it can hardly be said to have taken a very important place there .
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