Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] put it [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In addition , retinoic acid is insoluble in water and so would remain where we put it in the limb for some time ; this was important because we already knew that to exert its effect the grafted polarizing region needed more than 12 hours .
2 Now I know it was a great honour but I could see no way of accepting , so I put it on the mantelpiece and more or less prepared to forget all about it .
3 LEFT Especially if you are not used to fitting a check chain , take care to ensure that you put it on the right way round .
4 Bring the very best reason you can against why you should not accept Christ and once you put it under the ga , under the scrutiny it just disintegrates .
5 ‘ We did not want the burden of administration falling on the taxpayer so we put it on the prime beneficiary , which is the farmer himself . ’
6 They could n't come to a decision so they put it to the vote when — as the book put it — a pair of bearded anarchists , one with flame red hair , appeared out of nowhere and took their decision for them , smashing down the gates with sledgehammers .
7 And I put it to the some of the women and men cleaners you see , How would like a rest day roster ?
8 On one occasion , the wife gave me a tin of beans , small kettle , and I put it in the cauldron .
9 He held out the dice and I put it in the shaker .
10 Er , I sorry , , just clearing my throat , er , I did , I did delegate if somebody put it on the end of somebody 's assignment , then I to it , but I tend to find I underestimate what people can do for me all the time , and do n't identify just how much those people can give me back , and I did , or I do have a tendency at times to give people like before , to hold on too much , try and do too much myself , and er , you ca n't do it that way in case .
11 Your report is precise and accurate and you put it on the boss 's desk .
12 Er er it was like a Molotov co bo cocktail , a thing like that and you put it in the , in the tube and you put a wad of cotton , gun cotton behind it closed the flap at the back onto er just a latch , like a , a door a gate latch which locked it , then fired the cap which fired the gun cotton which sent the well then we we 're trying this out on the waste ground where the , that was then , where the waterworks ' offices are now in Green Lane , well there that was , at that time , that was a glue factory that was the glue factory there ooh .
13 Just pay your money and you put it in the tray
14 When Camille entered the open-plan area that was Barbs 's kitchen and dining-room , she realized she was still holding Barbs 's handbag , and she put it on the table with a swift , rejecting movement as though it was hot or unclean .
15 Billy would n't notice if she put it on the back seat .
16 If you put it into the startup group , it will greet you with a new quote which you can in turn use to amaze your workmates during coffee breaks .
17 If you put it on the right feet it 's clearly one of the best available .
18 It 'd walk away by itself if you put it on the floor . ’
19 Yeah , if you put it on the table he wo n't , and if you do n't
20 I 've done m is there , are there any gaps in between , if you put it on the good quality like , can you see any spaces ?
21 If you put it underneath the desk , a few of them .
22 Yeah if you put it in the back of the car I 'll nip up and do it
23 Yeah but if you put it in the dark it goes all starry .
24 That would be alright till next week , if you put it in the fridge .
25 Your cos we put it in the paddock did n't we ?
26 Erm if we put it on the agenda , perhaps we could circ we 'll , we 'll recirculate the brief submission that we made , which was about a side of A four if you recall , to the er to the Department of the Environment .
27 If we put it in the fridge it will make it go all cold
28 So they got him a tent , and they put it at the top of my mum 's garden .
29 but she had drapes and that to buy herself and , and they put it on the frame and she ca n't get into her drawers on bed , so they 're no good
30 How people use this and they put it in the dictionary .
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