Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] could [vb infin] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 This is probably the first Windows Application that we 've reviewed where you could lock away the manual , a great on-screen help system helps both the novice or experienced user .
2 We wonder whether this has anything to do with an ‘ upgradeable ’ machine DEC seems to be using where you could yank out the 80486 and substitute a P5 .
3 Or you could try out the flight simulator techniques at ‘ Star Wars ’ where you feel as if you 're really taking part in a full scale intergalactic battle .
4 Or he could rent out the property …
5 HAVING BECOME the Julian Copes of jazz café soul , The Style Council parted company because their records had become so deranged that no-one could comprehend even the tiniest part of them .
6 I mean it stuck out like a sore thumb , I mean er by King George 's playing fields erm cos of the , they had n't the , th the , the s other story for that was as I said was we they sent er some of us to a class in Walsall for er aircraft recognition and er the days I went to this class , cos I went as er , er both for the factory and for the Home Guard , so that I could cover both the factory and when I were on duty , Home Guard and we was at a building on the corner of Corporation Street and west , and we was taking classes in there .
7 The fields shone a new green in the sun , and the air which for days had been hazy had been cleaned by the rain so that I could make out the shapes of sheep grazing near the old Coal Road above Cowgill as I walked down the lane .
8 Speaking more generally , I suppose that I could sum up the Prime Minister 's speech — without rancour — as timid , devoid of national purpose and lacking in inspiration .
9 I managed to wriggle my hands out of the tape so I could pull down the gag , poke my head out of the sack and breathe more freely .
10 I could n't wait to finish at the studio that day so I could slip down the record shop to pick up a copy , and several months later I still have n't stopped playing it .
11 The Doctor had four balls in the air now , although nobody could see where the extra one had come from .
12 It came to her that she could tell where the walls stopped being her skin only because the blue shaded down a spectrum from azure to sapphire .
13 The grey ovoid , some distance away , expanded and contracted in a movement which reminded Ace of nothing so much as chewing , although there was no way that she could see whereby the fruit could have been transmitted from one part of Legion to another .
14 Then she retreated in bleak anguish to her bedroom , and sat hunched in the window-seat , looking out over the soft rolling lawns and distant Cotswold hills , dimly aware that her single most painful desire was that her mother were still alive , so she could pour out the secret desolation to the one person who 'd have understood …
15 You might be tempted to attribute it to lowish wage rates ( at the Brasserie ? ) , but a good answer would produce figures to justify this assertion ( you know both the staffing structure and the total wage bill for 1983 , at least , so you could work out the average gross wage per annum and relate it to what you knew about catering wages for the period ) .
16 To estimate the MPC t α 1 , it might be thought that we could carry out the following regression : where is an error term , and treat the value obtained for as an estimate of the MPC t α : 1 .
17 But one might hope that we could employ both the intelligence and the powers of logical thought that we have developed through natural selection .
18 The countryside was so blurred that they could form only the vaguest idea of how it must look when the sun was shining .
19 I think it was copied from Victoria , Victoria had a lot of influence upon women obviously , she had a lot of children ; women too , women , apart from the fact there was no effective contraception , it was the duty of woman to bear a lot of children so that they could carry on the line , which was also why woman had to be very chaste and pure so that man could be sure that the son that she produced was actually his legitimate heir .
20 The project team think that they could carry out the further research in an additional year at an estimated cost of £20 000 , but that the chances of solving all the problems are only 30:70 as opposed to the 50:50 chance they gave the initial phase .
21 The project team think that they could carry out the further research in an additional year at an estimated cost of £20 000 , but that the chances of solving all the problems are only 30 : 70 as opposed to the 50 : 50 chance they gave the initial phase .
22 By November 1948 , it was agreed that they could take over the responsibility for progressing work on the manufacture of plant and on-site construction from the Ministries of Supply and Works , and the following year they did so .
23 As the time approached for me to concentrate on my matriculation , I decided to offer Charlie the opportunity to buy out my share of the partnership and even arranged for a qualified accountant to replace me in order that they could take over the book-keeping .
24 In Emmerson ( reported at [ 1991 ] Crim.L.R. 194 with Commentary ) the tape had been played at trial , and the question was whether the jury were entitled to be provided with a copy of it after retiring , so that they could hear again the all-important tone of voice of the officer conducting one of the interviews .
25 With the selection of some anti-O'Neill candidates in the 1970 Stormont elections and the Westminster elections of the same year , the conservatives sensed that they could win back the Unionist Party machine .
26 The Brigade claimed that it could offer both the spirit and the purpose because it ‘ disciplines and controls our lads … tames flippancy , quells impertinence , promotes chivalry , encourages reverence , teaches ready obedience to all properly constituted authority , and insists upon pure and clean English and temperance in all things ’ .
27 One of the conditions of the original purchase from Wedgwood was that it could buy back the house for £1 if we had not completed the restoration within five years .
28 But then Ronnie , in his own phlegmatic way , could live with it better than most : his skills as a driver were so refined , his reflexes so quick , that he could handle even the trickiest cars .
29 Truman 's new secretary of state , James F. Byrnes , was at first serenely confident that he could carry on the Roosevelt approach to Stalin with the American nuclear monopoly in reserve in his " hip pocket " , and with no automatic supporting role for the British .
30 An eminent preacher claimed that he could overcome even the worst disaster if he could have fifteen minutes of contemplation .
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