Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] go [adv prt] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 At about the same time that I went up into the Boys ' School , my friend Hubert Gould moved away to Bournemouth and my other friend Alf Norris moved from The Friary to Greencroft Street and , as this was only two hundred yards from our house , we saw quite a lot of each other .
2 They were still uncomfortable , so I went back into the optician .
3 I find some steps , so I go down into the park and have a wander round .
4 She was all but out of the door on her way to Oxford Street when , incredibly , she found herself shaking , so much so that she went back into the tiny bedroom and lay down .
5 There was nothing worth watching on television , so he went back into the kitchen .
6 I pushed hard and I picked up some places , but then in the bad conditions Lehto caught me and I went off into the wet and that was it . ’
7 And she goes out into the street and she pulls her skirt up .
8 If she went out into the rue du Bateau her suspicions might latch on to an innocent person coming from one of the other flats .
9 The hunting season for the palombe is short but deadly , and if you go up into the hills while it is on , the local men will be crouched there in their camouflage jackets , or lined up at stands along the roads , their shotguns aimed hungrily out over the valley .
10 That 's right yeah , aye if you go back into the system where they had at Blackpool where er Reginald Dixon used to play
11 I pulled up in a gateway , Sam jumped out and we went through into a field ; and as the beagle scampered over the glittering turf I stood in the warm sunshine amid the melting frost and looked back at the dark damp blanket which blotted out the low country but left this jewelled world above it .
12 She snatched Buster from his play and we went back into the house where she held him close to her face , laughing as the big cat purred and arched himself ecstatically against her cheek .
13 My the boss said a few things under his breath , came down the steps and we went back into the van .
14 Some of the boys followed and we went down into the basement and I turned the phonograph on as loud as it would play .
15 And er we could all get it wrong , and we could be in the E R M , i if we go back into the E R M then er you know if they stabilize interest rates across Europe er then we could be okay .
16 She waited in the hall while he fetched her wrap and they went out into the night .
17 And they went out into the country to these evacuated people and they , they thought they were in absolute
18 When I got there , the organ was playing the 100th psalm , and , when it was done , Mr Coleridge rose and gave out his text , ‘ And he went up into the mountain to pray , HIMSELF ALONE .
19 His face was severely troubled and he went out into the street to look up at the tree which overhung his house .
20 Finally tiredness overcame him and he went out into the yard to fill the water jars for his bath .
21 I would die first — leaving him to die on stage while I went off into the wings . ’
22 Apply a sunscreen before you go out into the sunlight .
23 Finally , with ‘ Do n't walk on the wet edge , you 'll get a verruca ’ ringing in my ears , and ‘ Make sure your hair is BONE dry before you go out into the cold ’ ringing in my brain , we would lay siege to the fish-and-chip shop which was my main reason for going in the first place .
24 Before you go down into the circuit area , increase the speed to 60–70 knots and try the airbrakes to see how badly they snatch and how effective they are .
25 But before we went down into the
26 " Keep tambourine a-rolling , " he said to nobody before he went back into a silence that remained unbroken while he ate his fish .
27 There was an embarrassed silence when I went back into the kitchen to tidy myself up .
28 Mrs McDougall was still busy when I went back into the shop .
29 When I went back into the office Mrs. Porter was walking up and down smoking furiously .
30 When I went out into the street ,
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