Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] we [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If there 's erm For instance I 've had a situation where on a medical practice booklet because we er hand back a hundred pound for every full page that we we gain in the medical practice booklet , er it 's an encouragement for if we 're just a quarter of a half page short , er for the practice to say you know we 'll get for another hundred quid we 'd all we need to do is make a couple of phone calls and threaten erm one or two of our patients .
2 ‘ Soul ’ is established as a category containing phenomena as disparate as Professor Paul Davies ' conviction that what we know of the universe points to a grand design , Miriam Rothschild 's delight in the beauty of her biological subject matter , and Oliver Sacks ' realisation that his patients ' brains do not resemble computers .
3 We may be told that what we understand of an event e , if it is taken as an effect , is that there existed a certain set of conditions — say sc — such that since it existed , e occurred , and e would still have occurred so long as " the usual background " or " the usual environment " obtained .
4 ‘ Ever and again comes the thought that what we see of a sign is only the outside of something within , in which the real operations of sense and meaning go on ’ ( 140 ) .
5 They would have failed to recognize and acknowledge that what we have on the basis of sense-experience is worth having , and worthy of the name of knowledge .
6 The point is that what we have in the life business is a cash flow statement , and no p&l account .
7 For Dr Oliver to dismiss the knowledge and skill base of the method — which is breathtakingly more advanced than anything we have in the West — by claiming that conductive education is successful simply because it is an ‘ intervention system which raises expectations ’ is to ignore a number of important points .
8 Erm , I 've got a three four four page letter from the Ottery youth section , erm , and their we run at the moment three teams of boys between the age of ten and sixteen .
9 The writer works at the impossible task of creating a poem , a narrative , which tries to narrow the gap between the signal and what is signalled : tries to reverse the separation between the world and what we write about the world .
10 From this , and what we know of the demise of the mosaic craft in the mid-late third century , it has been customary -and reasonable — to infer that the Barton mosaic and the comparable mosaic from Woodchester are of the early fourth century , probably before 325 .
11 And we keep records of bookings , stating what is expected of us , and what we expect from a booking , ’ says the cheery singer .
12 On occasion , the Minister has criticised the lack of detail in our overall defence expenditure proposals and what we propose for the Territorial Army and the reserve forces .
13 And what we do with the eyebrows , we do n't just use a pair of tweezers we actually use wax , so if you 've got quite a lot of hair underneath your brow , we never take from above the brow , just below , if you 've got quite a lot of hair , it can be painful if you 're just using tweezers , so what we do now we use a little bit of hot wax , which is pink , so we put some wax under the brow , either side , let the wax erm , cool and set , and then pull the wax off .
14 Cos what we give to the client
15 But one we assume in the derivation of the precise result for h/Ne 2 , with which experiment agrees very well .
16 The exchange has roused the analyst to contributions that are firmer and more energy-consuming than those he generally vouchsafes : ‘ it 's not the past but what we make of the past that shapes our future and present . ’
17 But what we find in the resurrection of Jesus is not something that originates from the natural processes of life , but something that constitutes a unique event .
18 Now , pedicures is really a manicure of the toes , but what we do with a pedicure , we actually rub away the hard skin that you may have on the bottom of your feet , on the side of your big toe , that 's usually where it builds up , or on the ball of the foot .
19 We also believe that these intimate , naive glimpses of a lost past have a wider interest just because what we know of the history of later life from inside is so meagre .
20 And what the manifesto is , is trying to do is to er set an agenda for about how the lot of private homes can be improved , and er fixing rent is one thing which the government er traditionally has had a responsibility for and which needs , er must be linked in with conditions because what we have at the moment is a situation where you get , in Oxford , a er a family living in one room being charged er over two hundred pounds a week by an individual landlord , and that 's clearly unacceptable .
21 Certainly I hope they take that into consideration when we do the er annual report and what we 've done because we have n't been half as active as what we have in the past ,
22 What we all want as individuals is not , in sum , the same as what we want as a community .
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