Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] be [pron] on the " in BNC.

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1 Jack had to fill the coal scuttles , Kevin to bring in the logs , Aengus had to roll yesterday 's papers into sausage-like shapes which would be used for lighting the fires later , Gerry , who was meant to be the animal lover , had to take Oswald for a run in the park , and see that there was something on the bird table in the garden , and Ronan had to open the big heavy curtains in the front rooms , take the milk in from the steps and place it in the big fridge and brush whatever had to be brushed from the big granite steps leading up to the house .
2 The operator , surly in her attitude , did n't inform Duncan that they had answered , and it was a moment before he realized that there was someone on the line .
3 If you find that the list of ‘ do n't likes ’ is very long and there is nothing on the other side to counteract it , you are not telling the truth .
4 Sometimes he 'd look across at me , when my mum was deep in a copy of Psychic News and there was nothing on the television , any time from May to October .
5 You 're not gon na see it cos there 's one on the end , it 's right next to the wall is n't it ?
6 Should you not suspend the sitting until there is someone on the Tory Benches who is capable of walking over and picking up the notes to the Minister ?
7 I still have nightmares and if there is something on the television about rape it brings it all back to me .
8 I may read the papers , or perhaps just stay in bed wondering if there 's anything on the doorstep .
9 Erm I could go out to Harrogate and see if there 's anything on the Conference Centre there ,
10 Line with the rest , and if there 's anybody on the floor , you step over them .
11 And then he felt as if there were someone nearby , as if there were someone on the summit waiting , waiting to greet him .
12 But there was nothing on the horizon .
13 But there was nothing on the bed .
14 She would crouch by the steps , ignored , till there was no-one on the narrow spiral stair , glide like a slim shadow up to the hall , and when the next stair was free , on up to the bower , where Catriona , wife of the Maclean 's piper , had a baby .
15 WHEN the future of the country is uncertain , when your football team is going down , when half the nation 's cricket eleven is injured , when there is nothing on the television positive thinking is required .
16 The program stack is initialised to begin at HIMEM and , because of this , you can not change the value of HIMEM when there is anything on the stack .
17 After a week Harry returned to Maurice , once again when there was no-one on the boat , took away his consignment of hairdryers , and threw the lantern and the paving-stones overboard .
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