Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [vb past] in through [art] " in BNC.

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1 I did go out with one of me mates once and he was going burgling and I needed to do one 'cos I had no money or nothing , strung out , and he went to the Old Hall Estate and broke into a house and I got in through the window with him and I just looked around and saw all these photographs of , y'know like , the family that lived there with the kids and that and I just got this horrible feeling , so I just got out the window and walked away , even though I was strung out and I did n't pick nothing up , I just left him to it ‘ cos , like , though all the burglaries I 'd done , they 'd all been shops .
2 ‘ I came to wake you , and I got in through the bathroom , which you forgot to lock . ’
3 They looked perfectly ordinary , and they turned in through the gates and went up the drive .
4 She slipped through the bushes alongside the sorry procession until they passed in through the lower guard of the castle , and disappeared up the tree-shrouded ramp .
5 There was a layer of grey-blue smoke in the room at about shoulder level , and a big wave in it , probably produced by me as I came in through the double doors of the back porch .
6 So I guess I owe you an apology , ’ he said ruefully , ‘ although when you walked in through the kitchen door , all dressed up to the nines after being with Ryan , I wanted anything but to forgive you . ’
7 Refusing the invitation to go in for coffee , Fran hurried back to the car and drove across town , only slowing when she turned in through the gates of the college and made her way along the rutted gravel path to pull up in front of the old sandstone building next to Luke 's car .
8 It was a great relief to him when she stumbled in through the door in a flurry of snow and he set to and made a cup of tea to warm her .
9 Seven or eight thousand figures had taken up position kneeling on prayer carpets , so that as you walked in through the great red-stone gate you were confronted by rank upon rank of white-clad backs topped with brightly coloured turbans or embroidered mosque-caps .
10 Spittals ' hands glowed from the diligent rubbing he was applying to them as she came in through the door at ten o'clock .
11 As we walked in through the door Kalchu looked up from his food and said in a worried voice , ‘ Where 's your karaso , sister ? ’
12 Ven offered as they walked in through the door of his suite .
13 ‘ I tried the bell at the front , ’ Pete said as they went in through a whitewashed scullery .
14 ‘ You 'll not find it easy to get the keys from old Joanna , ’ Rhodri remarked with malice , as they passed in through the archway and continued along the town walls .
15 He came back , and he had been very quick , with an umbrella from which , as he plunged in through the swing door , he was tearing the plastic wrapping .
16 As he crept in through the scullery window she would leap from her bedroom and conceal herself in the nettles , unconscious of the pain .
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