Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [vb past] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I see the sign saying Welcome to Inverness just as I remember where I left the car and where I left from this morning and just before I turn and stamp to the nearest desk and demand in my highest dudgeon to be taken to Edinburgh on a charted Lear if necessary or limoed immediately to the highest-starred hotel within a reasonable radius for a free overnight dinner , bed and breakfast and unlimited bar tab .
2 But where I thought of this part of the game as the worst , Ken positively savoured it .
3 They were still talking when I continued on my way back to my roomette where I sat in comfortable privacy for a while reading the timetable and also reflecting that although I still had no answers to the old questions , I now had a whole crop of new ones , the most urgent being whether or not Filmer had already known the Youngs were friends of Ezra Gideon .
4 Claire took part in the European Junior Masters in Brussels in May , a tournament held for national champions , where she finished in third place .
5 Rosa cast an eye at her mother 's frowning back where she attended to some task and tried to exchange a glance of impatience with Tommaso .
6 He waved to her from the gate , where she stood like any housewife seeing off her man .
7 Each one of them knew what he or she meant by true religion , and all of them were sure that the church and the government in England were wrong .
8 Those who trudged dutifully to the polls yesterday to mark their perforated ballot papers with an ‘ X ’ in the appropriate box , or who sat through last night 's results with only black coffee for company , would have witnessed a tableau of restrictive practices and old spanish customs fit to warm the heart of the most backward-looking member of Nalgo .
9 But , that where we went to that pub that time with Geoff , that 's the first time I 've been up there .
10 We also spent time in the capital , Guatemala City , where we talked to senior government officials like the defence minister , General Jose Garcia Samayoa .
11 The Fish got us a good position at the back of the club , where we stood on wooden beer crates holding on to each other as the floor seemed about to crack open with heat and stomping .
12 If you are lucky enough to obtain a Sear 's catalogue , or one offered by any number of American suppliers , you can give your card number and order what is required on the order form usually enclosed .
13 The two areas where there appeared to most difficulty in getting away were Leicestershire and Speyside .
14 They frequently inhabited the same Soho haunt but at Muriel 's , where they vied with each other in buying bottles of champagne , they often occupied different ends of the room .
15 After all the hassle they should know exactly where they stood with each other , Merrill thought as she dressed on Saturday evening .
16 Either they did not come back or they returned by another route .
17 Yes they did , or they appeared in that light in the newspapers .
18 Sterling was given an office at the Department of Trade and Industry , where he advised on industrial policy , and had a big say in plans for the future of broadcasting .
19 Li visited Singapore on Aug. 11-13 , where he agreed with Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew to conclude negotiations on establishing diplomatic relations " as early as possible " .
20 But at Allen Street , where he lived in considerable poverty , he insisted on his independence , cooked all his meals on a gas ring in his room and refused to accept any hospitality from Minton .
21 In November of the same year he talked on " The Idiom of Modern Verse " to the Cambridge English Club , where he had for one auditor the appearance of " a very shy , neurotic man " 32 In 1937 he gave an address to the Friends of Rochester Cathedral on religious drama , and lectured on Shakespeare at Edinburgh University he told Lawrence Durrell , however , that he seemed to have spoken about what he himself was interested in doing in the theatre and not about Shakespeare at all.In April 1938 he travelled to Lisbon in order to sit on the jury for the Camoens Prize ; when he came back , he had to address the Friends of Salisbury Cathedral on the poetry of George Herbert and then , two months later , talk on " The Future of Poetic Drama " at an International Theatre Congress in Stratford-upon-Avon .
22 It also resulted in the interest in the potential of the Macintosh extending beyond the production area to design and editorial staff where it developed into passionate enthusiasm .
23 However , this was not the main argument used by the Government during the debate on the Bill in Parliament , where it met with determined opposition .
24 By 1976 this had fallen to 16 per cent where it remained without significant change up to 1986 .
25 I do not mean to imply , he wrote , that nothing existed before that moment , no plans , no designs , no sketches and no notes , of course there were plans and designs , sketches and notes , how could there not be , he wrote , when my whole life has been nothing but a preparation for this beginning , not only in the sense that everyone 's life is always a preparation for every beginning in that life but in the quite specific sense that my own life has always been a preparation for this beginning , nothing but a preparation for this beginning , both consciously and unconsciously , with everything I have done as well as everything I have thought , everything I have felt as well as everything I have suffered .
26 It is very sad to report that the entire actuarial staff of the Society was in bed before midnight and that everyone appeared with rosy complexion and clear eyes the following morning …
27 From then on I continually sought quiet , and that although I went from one place to another .
28 I knew that I possessed a sidereal compass and that I belonged to another world .
29 Erm , is that okay for that I just have something that I read in New Scientist does everybody take it ?
30 I also said that erm my I expressed that the fears that I expressed at this meeting last time about er the fact that Paul and I now supervise civilian staff , er which I 've never been sat down and told what the civilians term of contract are and what I can or can not say or whatever , so erm I feel it will be quite valuable , and brought it for me to see if anybody think it 's worthwhile pursuing .
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