Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [noun pl] on the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As the supreme or sovereign power within its own boundaries the state can not have rivals which successfully deny its law-making powers or its claims on the ultimate allegiance of its citizens .
2 This case is illustrative of the general common-law rule that there is no liability between an unincorporated club or its members on the one hand and individual members on the other .
3 More recently ( and more light-heartedly ) it was pointed out to me after a lecture in England , that my ideas on the stratigraphical column were essentially Marxist in ideology .
4 I include them because his statement that his days on the Western Front — in spite of the horror and the squalor — were the happiest of his life seems to be some sort of commentary on the greater part of a lifetime spent in what is often regarded as the idyllic English countryside .
5 Royal author Andrew Morton made it clear yesterday that his comments on the future friendship between James Gilbey and the Princess were based on hypothetical questions .
6 It is certainly undemocratic , and many people are beginning to feel that it borders on the unconstitutional .
7 We had never moved , always living in the same place , 18 Ravensworth Road , Kensal Green A late Victorian artisan 's house it was , a two-up-two-down with me and my parents on the top floor .
8 And then with shoulders bunched and my eyes on the messed pavement I shuffle off down the drinker , and sit with tankard and tabloid in the comer by the fire .
9 So now here I am — Mrs Tamm wo n't leave her desk — not heading back to my own room and my labours on the great Assessment , but in the back parts of the building where I have never been before , picking my way blindly along the twisting ad hoc corridors , up and down odd arbitrary stairs , in the faint hope of ( seeing also ) .
10 Using the work he had done on the influence of a trauma , on a child under five years of age , and its effects on the later genesis of neurosis , Freud analysed religions as consisting of positive and negative reactions to a trauma which has been forgotten .
11 Four religious parties led by elderly rabbis hold 13 seats in the Knesset , controlling the balance between Labour and its friends on the left and the Likud and its friends on the right .
12 CCLGF business is first discussed in a body known as the Official Steering Group ( OSG ) which consists of senior officials of the associations and their advisers on the one side , and of senior government officials on the other :
13 There these Semites imposed their language , their customs and their institutions on the indigenous Hamitic population , with whom they interbred to produce the ancestors of modern Tigreans and Amhara .
14 ( ‘ Omnicorp ’ ) on the one hand and the respondents and their associates on the other hand .
15 Work by social psychologists like Giles and his associates on the other hand , has focused on variation in individuals across different encounters .
16 The findings of Rutter and his colleagues on the social structure of schools speak for themselves ( see above ) .
17 But their neighbours on the private Lakeside say the scheme will cause more traffic and could be a danger .
18 But capitalism , after Indian independence , was ( in so far as its effects on the rural population were concerned ) merely following along the paths established by British colonialism and British capitalism .
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