Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [noun pl] [be] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Monday , 22nd : 11.00 : I gave a lecture on ‘ Grammar and Rhetoric : Two Aspects of Communication ’ at Jawaharlal Nehru University , where my hosts were the two .
2 They precept on the constituent district councils and they receive direct grant from Government and the problems encountered in Derbyshire where the county council reduced the budget approved by the police authority have been quite eliminated and that My Lords is the only reasons that I have been able to trace so far for amending the law as this Bill proposes .
3 Some Finnish singers thought the sampo was their own poetry ; all agreed that its fragments were the true prosperity of Suomi .
4 ‘ You always did say that her fairies were the lightest you ever tasted . ’
5 In a prefatory note ‘ To the Reader ’ she claimed that her relations were the only people likely to read what she had written .
6 They must have done some good ( Cipolla points out that their principles were the same as those of the great 19th-century sanitary reformers such as Sir Edwin Chadwick ) , and yet there seems to be no way of telling from the surviving evidence whether lives were saved as a result .
7 Directors need to make swift , well-informed decisions to ensure that their companies are the first to react and are able to grow at their competitors ' expense .
8 He thought that if people such as the Iroquois of North America practised a particular type of agriculture it could be assumed that their institutions were the same as those of long dead prehistoric peoples who had a similar level of technology .
9 Today these are still of immense import , with men deriding those in another division or section , bragging that their villains are the toughest or their section tasks more numerous and arduous .
10 If a Zande is severely wounded by a wild animal while he is out hunting , Zande will say that his injuries are the direct result of the animal 's attack .
11 When we met I saw that his eyes were the same , soft and luminous ; and there was no constraint between us .
12 Customers buy product-belief : belief that your products are the best value for money , that they are the best quality , that they will receive the best after-sales service .
13 ‘ Since you claim that your objectives are the same as mine , and that you 're not here to work against me , as I 'd supposed , I 'm going to put you in charge , as it were … make you responsible … ’
14 But from what you 've told me , I 'm afraid that your countrymen are the worst little nation of insects that has ever crawled upon the ground . ’
15 I and my tracks were the only sign of life .
16 Oh I think so but above all I think that the helpers and their smiles are the other things that are so important , after all they are the bedrock of the fund .
17 How the vintage of data affects the quality of UK macroeconomic models and their forecasts is the central theme linking the three broad sections which comprise this project .
18 The six brothers ' direct descendants were called the che gaon ki gor ( six village clan ) and similarly the artisans and their descendants were the twelve village clan , the labourers were the twenty four village clan and right near the bottom of the caste hierarchy came the shoemakers with their clan of ‘ several ’ villages .
19 The conception of state-civil society relations which informed Burke 's ( and Smith 's ) thought was highly complex , and certainly Burke was too much of an ‘ organicist ’ to have accepted the Thatcherite idea that society does not exist and that individuals and their families are the basic units of consideration .
20 The local club , Cremonese , won for the first time since gaining promotion - and their victims were the European Cup holders , Milan .
21 Freidson argued that the " analytical key " to understanding the organisation of health services and their inadequacies was the professional dominance of medicine at the apex of an elaborate division of labour .
22 In his second year it dawned on him that he and his friends were the cleverest young men in the world .
23 Hence Jacobitism , the belief that James II and his heirs were the rightful rulers of Scotland ( and possibly England as well ) took far deeper root in Scotland than England , where it soon became the mere dream of a few impractical romantics .
24 The crime rate in the United Kingdom is the highest ever , the detection rate is the lowest ever and our prisons are the fullest ever .
25 Although the range of its occupations was wider and more comprehensive , its mainstay was agriculture , with most of its tradesmen farming on the side — unless their crafts were the subsidiary pursuits .
26 I do n't know what secret Auntie Maudie had , but her trifles were the best I have ever tasted .
27 Howard was wearing regulation red striped shirt and braces but his glasses were the trend-setting steel octagon design rather than the circular , coloured owl frames which were on their way out .
28 Spokesman Andrew Andersz said : ‘ Our sales have been encouraging , but our exports are the only reason we are working at full capacity .
29 He 'll remember me because our names are the same .
30 We shall denote any state by the letter G. Suppose that in the first phase of a learning cycle , while its inputs are the desired settings Sk , each state G occurs with frequency P(G) .
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