Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [noun sg] [prep] [art] first " in BNC.

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1 The finale is an infinitely better movement that its companion in the First Symphony , perhaps because of Dvořák 's cuts , but also because its ideas ( notably the secondary theme ) are much more engaging and memorable .
2 And in case anyone thought that that was the end of the bad news , the company says it expects that its revenue for the first quarter to September 27 will be below analysts ' expectations and that it will incur a loss for the quarter .
3 Bonhams has announced that its turnover from the first quarter of 1992 is 34 per cent up compared with the same quarter of 1991 .
4 For very form 's sake , and because , after all , Stair was his brother , he had stayed with the party through one act of a musical comedy at the Gaiety Theatre where they had made so much noise that their departure at the first interval must have pleased the audience which they had left behind , had gone to Quaggers — Quaglino 's — to dine — which meant drink — in a private room , and were now on their way to crown their evening 's pleasure by ‘ Pushing the boat out for Havvie ’ , Stair 's witticism .
5 Greig was gracious in defeat , saying that their play on the first day deserved every credit .
6 ( One of the originators once told me that his memory of the first few weeks of the organization was of people literally waiting in turn to answer the phone every time it rang . )
7 But it is not on that judgment nor on that conviction that his place among the first of the heroes of Socialism or Co-operation depends .
8 unc It is readily checked , in view of ( 3 ) et seq. , that he product of the first two terms in ( 5 ) is R2 , of the first three is R3 , and so on .
9 The initial impetus came from the Managing Director of one of the largest of the Harris Tweed manufacturers — the son of a crofter and himself a fisherman in his early days The Association was , however , given its distinctive shape and its constitution by the first chairman , Rev. Ian Carmichael , a Gaelic-speaker from Lismore who was a minister in Stornoway at the time , and who had had considerable experience of welfare work in industry , and had been for some years vice convener of one of the largest local authorities in Scotland .
10 Having formed the first phrase and its complement as the first sentence of our theme , we must turn to the problem of what to do in the second sentence .
11 FREED prisoner Karl Maxwell-Smith flew home to Britain from Thailand yesterday — and met his granddaughter and her mum for the first time .
12 These students had opted to take the stylistics course as part of the Language " track " of their degree ; all were well motivated and their work in the first and second years had revealed that all had demonstrable ability for language study .
13 When Dulé and his companions regained the beach , they were so stunned and wearied by the water and the flames , the howling and frantic clangour of their rout , that they dragged themselves and their boat to the first cover they could find , and lay face down against the earth ; they could sense it trembling as if it were an animal alive beneath them .
14 The Führer , too , had demonstratively donned field-grey at the start of the war , to emphasize his unity with his troops and his image as the first soldier of the Reich , whereas the unpopular Party hacks were often seen as shirkers , avoiding their duty at the Front .
15 Hamilton played well , Palace won 2–1 and his claim for a first team place had been properly and completely justified .
16 If if a If his average for the first X test was one greater than his average for
17 If his average for the first X tests is one greater than the average Sorry beg your pardon I 've got it round me round me neck .
18 If his average for the first X t is one greater than his average for the X plus two tests So a hundred and twenty six over X is gon na equal ?
19 God introduces us to our true selves , so that we come to recognize ourselves , and our God for the first time .
20 It was partly because he was tired and unhappy , leaving home and our mother for the first time … ’
21 But their presence in the First Division will mean that every Saturday thirty non-English players will be turning out in the top flight taking up places which should be filled by Englishmen .
22 First of all , you have to ascertain whether your strategy up the first part of the beat will make you want to carry on sailing on starboard tack for some time after the starting signal , or to tack onto port as soon as possible after the start .
23 His son Graeme must take some of the blame for this , for his approach at the first extra hole found sand and his drive at the second left his father with an uneven stance on a bank .
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