Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [was/were] on the first " in BNC.

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1 I started going out in London and I was on the first step of the ladder . ’
2 The household chaplain , whose role it was to minister to the spiritual needs of princely families , could also produce letters , such as those written for Stephen of Blois to his wife Adela while he was on the First Crusade ; or charters , like those produced for the post-Conquest dukes of Normandy .
3 Nigel 's arrangement of the white slaves , as he called the domestic machines , positioned as they were on the first floor , entailed many journeys upstairs to inspect their progress .
4 Mind you , erm , I have n't been conscious about him at all , even when he was on the first of all .
5 He might have an interesting tale to tell but it could probably be told in the space of thirty minutes and on later meetings hauled out and paraded again exactly as it was on the first occasion .
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