Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [was/were] [adv] the first " in BNC.

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1 " You must have known that you were n't the first .
2 Although they were not the first to do so , they became the longest running and , presumably , most successful pin manufacturers in the Painswick area .
3 A mere two hundred miles from Washington had brought them into a different season although it was obviously the first hint of real autumn in New York : around them others were hurrying because they were too thinly dressed or tugging at coats and gloves that were unfamiliar and awkward after half a year at the back of the closet .
4 But despite that it was n't the first camp up .
5 I replied that it was not the first time , but that I had borne the previous occasions with courage and would do so now .
6 Well I 'm not sure that it was exactly the first , but it was one of the early ones , that 's true .
7 Blake suspected that he was not the first person who had asked himself that question or had come to the same irrational conclusion .
8 It is also , perhaps , not without significance that Fahreddin Acemi is the first to be mentioned as receiving a salary specifically in respect of his function as Mufti , though it can not be shown beyond doubt that he was actually the first to have done so .
9 I may venture to add Jerry and I were probably the first Scottish kids to hear this coming over the air .
10 Early maternal deprivation had clearly left him with a hankering for mother figures in his life and I was n't the first .
11 The Story of the Fraserburgh Lifeboats takes a similar look at the Fraserburgh lifeboat station , which had one of the first lifeboats to be built and which was also the first RNLI lifeboat station in Scotland .
12 Whilst the venue on this occasion was central and it was not the first time the A.G.M. had been held on a Friday evening , the Committee appreciates that perhaps the idea of holding the Meeting on the evening before the Dinner Dance to enable those travelling to London to attend both events was not a good one .
13 Something hit me across the face and it was n't the first kiss of springtime .
14 and it was definitely the first time she 'd become aware of one person in that audience , one watching pair of eyes …
15 The early evening rush hour slowed my return to Stuart Street but I was still the first home to No. 9 , and even Lisabeth seemed to be out or at least locked in her cage .
16 To return to Griffith 's experiments , Griffith was not the first man to draw strong glass fibres but he was probably the first man to do it in a systematic way and to provide a plausible explanation of the results .
17 But he was hardly the first good-looking man she 'd had dinner with .
18 It marked the dedication of a new city church … but it was also the first time a Roman Catholic cardinal had preached before the Monarch since the time of Henry The Eighth .
19 NICRA was the best-known civil rights group but it was neither the first nor the only organisation to agitate on civil rights demands .
20 Mrs Bennett would have a fit if she knew Celia had gone up to Beckwith 's Folly , but it was n't the first time lately that she had been overwhelmed by the desire to escape , although it was the first time she had actually done anything about it .
21 I think that erm the actual position er assured was that industry gave us a quotation in erm April nineteen ninety two which actually was somewhat higher than we 'd anticipated , but I 'm not sure that industry reyu viewed it as an increase because it was probably the first time they had formally quoted a price .
22 ‘ It was a mammoth task , ’ Sybille recalled , ‘ because it was really the first big party Laura had given in her life .
23 For I was not the first to have stood in Balboa 's footprints .
24 Though it was not the first hostile bid — Charles Clore and Isaac Wolfson beat it by several years — the aluminium battle was a prototype for future bids in which a buyer made an offer to the shareholders of a listed firm against the wishes of its managers .
25 This was their sixth successive League victory , and though it was only the first time they have scored three goals in a game this season , everyone at Highbury knows it could have been seven .
26 Yet , curiously , the science that has changed the presentation of text has brought it back under the control of a single person , just as it was when the first presses printed .
27 For it was n't the first time this had happened , by no means .
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